Saturday, December 30, 2006

An Example in Art of Jupiter Opposition ?

" Prosperine" by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
"The Boyhood of Raleigh" by John Everett Millais
"The Lady of Shallot" by William Holman Hunt.

Using hindsight blended with a modicum of astrological knowledge can throw up evidence for astrology's truths. So, here I go again!
This example may seem obscure, especially to folks in the USA, where the Pre-Raphaelite movement was, and is, largely unrecognised, it didn't travel across the Atlantic as well as did Art Nouveau and Art Deco. There is an interesting astrological phenomenon involved though, so please bear with me !
In England, in 1848 three artists banded together and decided they'd had enough of the current British art scene which they saw as stagnant and uninspiring. Paintings then consisted mainly of boring landscapes depicting cattle, or stags at bay, seascapes, still life studies, or family portraits. The three artists seeking change were Dante Gabriel. Rossetti, William. Holman Hunt, and Sir John Everett Millais. The name of the movement they founded - "Pre-Raphaelite" stems from their aim to take inspiration from a time before the artist Raphael set standards in art which they felt had been followed for too long.
Their vision was real, unidealised landscapes, figures drawn from life, to real proportions, and grouped without stylised arrangement. They favoured subjects drawn from poetry, religion or mediaeval tales. Paintings were to be vibrant, so they used a white paint background base - which certainly adds impact when viewed next to other contemporary Victorian art. Vivid colour and lyrical forms were to be used for dramatic and emotional effect. Several other artists soon joined the original three, and their work became well known, attracting both criticism and praise from contemporaries.
I've looked at 12 noon charts for the three principal founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. I half expected to see some link involving Uranus.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti born 12 May 1828, London, England.
William Holman Hunt born 2 April 1827, London, England.
Sir John Everett Millais born 8 June 1829, Southampton, England.

Putting the 3 charts charts side by side on screen threw up a very obvious similarity. Jupiter opposes Sun, Moon or Mercury in each case.

ROSSETTI - Sun 21* Taurus, Mercury 8* Taurus Moon 4* Taurus opposed by Jupiter @ 7 Scorpio.
MILLAIS- Sun 17* Gemini opposed by Jupiter 9* Sagittarius.
HOLMAN HUNT -Sun 11* Aries opposed by Jupiter 9* Libra (Pluto and Mercury at 5* and 17*Aries respectively

(Probably less significantly, in all 3 charts Neptune in Capricorn (widely) opposes a personal planet in Cancer.)
The oppositions involving Jupiter MUST be significant. But how?

Skyscript has this to say about such aspects
"The opposition of the Sun and Jupiter suggests an over-expanded ego. Jupiter deals with judgment, and with this aspect, the drive for significance is subject to being overemphasized. There is often a tendency toward extravagance and pretension. You can have too much optimism, and promise more than you can deliver. There is a continuous need to control urges to enter grandiose schemes and avoid ostentatious manners. The strength of this aspect lies in the ability to apply much charm to gain the approval of those dealt with in daily affairs. There is often much talent and creativity associated with this aspect." ( Jupiter/Mercury opposition is mainly similar).

Pretension, over-optimism, grandiose schemes, fit the bill quite well. I guess it was pretty pretentious in those days to think one could do better than "the establishment" in art. It must have been quite a challenge to stand against the status quo in the art world of Victorian England. Uranus would seem a more appropriate focus in such a case, yet this group of artists were actually looking BACKWARD for inspiration, rather than inventing a new style, so Uranus energy may not be applicable.

Weboteric Astrology says:
"Jupiter rules the law and moral authority, and our attitude to these issues. It brings a strong desire for understanding and the tendency to have powerful opinions and convictions The aspects Jupiter makes shows a psychological identity characteristic where the need for expansion, influence and understanding is paramount. These aspects show the specific personal drives where the search for wisdom is most intense"

Even though Jupiter is found in 3 different signs, elements and modes (Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius - Air, Water, Fire - Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable) there is still a strong link between the three charts. Jupiter is in a similar section of the relevant sign (7 or 9 degrees) and in similar aspect to Sun and/or Mercury.

Whilst I don't feel confident about interpreting those Jupiter oppositions, I AM confident that they are significant. Whatever the true meaning of this aspect IN THIS CONTEXT, it doubtless had some part in drawing the three men together.....a specific personal drive common to all three artists.

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood disbanded after a few years but, in England at least, their body of work has endured. I enjoy their paintings. I saw a collection of Pre-Raphaelite art last year at the Manchester City Art Gallery, it was wonderful to encounter the real thing at close quarters.

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