Friday, December 24, 2010


"I do like Christmas on the whole.... In its clumsy way, it does approach Peace and Goodwill. But it is clumsier every year."
- E.M. Forster

"To perceive Christmas through its wrapping becomes more difficult with every year."
- E.B. White, "The Second Tree from the Corner" (1954)

Since the times when those two talented writers, one from each side of the Atlantic, one Sun Capricorn, the other Sun Cancer expressed similar views, the internet has helped spread even more clumsiness and wrapping, but it has also afforded us more opportunities to say to more people in more places:


  1. And a very Merry Xmas to you and yours. A quick update on what I'm doing. Still working hard on my books and my son had built me a brand new website and blog at specially done to hook into all the social networks and feeds, so when I get going on that, if it works, I might use it to advertise me self publishing my books. 2011 may be a good year.

  2. All the very best to you and yours, Twilight. Have a wonderful Christmas and a, hopefully, peaceful New Year.

  3. Merry X-Mas to you and Fred. Not really gifted in "internet picture posting affairs" (etc.) just imaqine that my X-tree here in Brazil is of the Palm-variety.

    But the birds adore it, Tucanos, JacuguaƧus, Pavois and less colored ones too, like myself

  4. anthonynorth ~~ The same to you AN!
    By now, as I type, you'll be in the midst of your Christmas Day in England - have a mince pie for me - can't get 'em here and I can't be bothered to make any. ;-)

    I'll look forward to seeing your new site in 2011.

  5. RJ Adams ~~~ Thank you. And all the best of the season to you and Mrs. RJ. No doubt the New Year will bring lots of opportunities for us to have a good old whinge, but along with the whinges there'll be some good times to be had, and cherished. :-)

  6. Gian Paul ~~~ Happy Christmas GP!
    Lovely to receive greetings from the southern hemisphere ! I can imagine a palm tree hung with decorations. :-) And the birds, coloured and otherwise. ;-) I wonder if you'll be out riding Cognac today?

    We are waiting for the temperature to rise a wee bit before heading out to Mount Scott and the Wildlife Refuge, about an hour's drive away. Will hope to get some photos and post them tomorrow.

  7. Merries, lovelies and happies to you dear T!
    I hope your 'new' tradition with himself is full of joy and wonder.

  8. If you want it "from the horse's mouth" - I went riding with Cognac today, although I had a bit of a hangover from yesterday, and the bagger noticed, gave me a bit of hell!

    Spent X-Mas alone as some visitors from Germany had their flight cancelled twice and did not come.

    Heading into the new year I wish for all of us that the internet improves (a lot!) They take away part of our time, fun and now established expectations.

  9. WWW ~~~ Thank you - I hope your celebrations went well too. We enjoyed our day - though I could have done without a severe one-sided headache which simply would not shift....probably sinus/allergy related - not as bad today thank goodness.

  10. Gian Paul ~~ Oh, so sorry to read that you were alone. I suppose the extreme winter weather in Europe spoiled a lot of plans for the festivities.

    (Laughing) - Glad that Cognac knows his master well and knows how to keep him in check! ;-)

    Yes, let us hope 2011 brings no surprises internet-wise - only improvements. :-)
