Monday, December 12, 2016

Music Monday

December 12 has a few famous singers as natives:
1915 – Frank Sinatra
1918 – Joe Williams
1938 – Connie Francis
1940 – Dionne Warwick
1943 – Grover Washington, Jr.
1972 – Hank Williams III.

Three from that birthday list:

Dionne Warwick with a song never more appropriate than right now:

This by Sinatra, and with thoughts of that Senator from Vermont whose input the USA will keep on needing:

Here Sinatra's in the audience with Joe Williams singing - 2 birthday boys!


  1. Your sidebar, "One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain", well, I've heard a lot of "music" that has hit me right upside the eardrums and caused pain...LOL.

    Here's Connie and Frank, both performing "White Christmas" to get us in the spirit:

  2. Oh, dear...I'm falling for the colloquial use of "is" in a plural contraction instead of "are"...should have written "here are Connie and Frank...".

    I have trouble with verb tenses.

  3. mike + (again) ~ Yeah - too much trumpet hurts my ears - & equally unpleasant with a capital "T" ;-)

    Connie's version is nice - hadn't heard that one before.

    Well - regarding is/are: it could be argued that what you were saying/writing was a contraction of "here is a recording of C and F both performing...."

    Let's have a nerdy Christmas! :-)
