Wednesday, March 18, 2009

IDOL Drive-By

Last night's American Idol brought us country music night, offering a challenge for most of the singers. It was one to which most of 'em managed to rise, one way or another, some with extreme creativity.

For me the top three were still, as before, Adam Lambert (right), Danny Gokey and Lil Rounds (below, right).
Adam Lambert sang a very unusual (Aquarian sun clearly in evidence) version of "Ring of Fire". Totally different from the way it's usually sung - kind of Eastern with sitar sounds - brilliant! Most of the judges didn't get it, nor did Randy Travis, the celebrity assisting the contestants. I got it! Simon Cowell said it was "self indulgent". I find that a very odd criticism coming from him. In any case in order to do what these kids are doing they must need a bit of self-indulgence, it's surely not always a bad thing?

Lil sang "Independence Day", great performance, great song - when the judges questioned her choice and criticised it, she said that she chose it because she thought the words were appropriate for NOW

Let Freedom ring,let the white dove sing
Let the whole world know that today is a
Day of reckoning
Let the weak be strong, let the right be wrong
Roll the stone away, let the guilty pay, it's
Independence Day

The judges either didn't appreciate its relevance, or deliberately ignored her remark!

Danny sang "Jesus Take the Wheel" - and , as the judges said, "nailed it".

More on astrology for Adam and Danny at previous posts HERE, and for Lil HERE.

The judges heaped praise (for which I failed to see reason) upon Matt Giraud. He sang a tuneless and generally unknown Carrie Underwood song, at the piano. I took a quick look at his chart - he has Taurus Sun, Aquarius Moon and Jupiter, with Mercury and Venus in Aries.

Interestingly both Matt and Adam have transiting Jupiter's help just now. Jupiter last night was at 16 Aquarius; Matt's Jupiter is at 16 Aquarius and Adam's Mercury is at 14 Aquarius!

There were other good performances, but I saw Adam, Danny and Lil as the stand-outs. Not sure who'll be going home tonight (I wish it could be Simon Cowell). I'll guess it could be Michael Sarver or Chris (can't remember the surname). Sadly Jorge Nunez from Puerto Rico, about whom I wrote in my last Idol post, was voted out last week.


  1. Now that's not very nice - wishing Cowell would go home. What have we done in the UK to get him back so soon? :-)
    You can keep him if you want.

  2. AN ~~~ No, no, no!!! Enough! He was particularly obnoxious last night, not only to the contestants, but to Paula Abdul, seated next to him on the judges' panel.

    He didn't have enough respect to allow Paula to speak, without making faces behind her, or touching her, or generally sneering at her.

    Paula always tries to be honest but constructive, and, more importantly - kind! Cowell doesn't know the meaning of the word "kind".

    He's an embarrassment.

    Take him back, please!!!
