Sunday, March 01, 2009

Artists & Writers Featured Here

I've compiled some lists. In Part 1, below are artists and illustrators featured on this blog, with relevant dates; in Part 2, lists of writers and poets. I started on these mainly for my own information, but they could be of interest to others, so I'm posting 'em.

After reducing the size of my Label Cloud recently, so that only names/subjects which have been mentioned at least 3 times are shown, many individual names are now excluded, these lists help fill some of the gaps. The "Art" and "Writers" labels in the cloud still lead to most of those named in Parts 1 & 2, in date order. As an alternative, there's access via the archive facility in the sidebar. Click first on the year, then month, then day of the required post.

In the Artist list, names appear in alphabetical order according to first name, a few are by surname only. Don't ask me why

A link to this post appears in the sidebar, for future access. I also hope to keep the lists updated.

PART 1: Artists

A couple of photographers, and a glass blower - artists using different materials - are included below.

Abstract Art - 18 April 2007
Alexander Calder - 6 March 2009
Alphonse Mucha - 15 Nov 2006
Andy Warhol - 17 April 2007
Annigoni - 13 March 2009
Ansel Adams - 25 July 2007
Arcimboldo - 18 Nov. 2006
Art Deco - 10 April 2009
Art Nouveau - 3 April 2009
Aubrey Beardsley - 28 Sept. 2007
Augustus John - 2 Jan. 2009

Beatrix Potter - 2 Aug. 2007
Beryl Cook - 1 Sep. 2007
Bessie Pease Gutmann - 19 Oct 2007
Braque - 21 Nov. 2007

Cartoonists - 26 April 2007 & 9 May 2007
Charles Rennie Macintosh - 13 Nov. 2006
Chic Young - 9 Jan. 2008
Chris Ware - 26 Nov. 2008
Cicely Mary Barker - 19 Oct. 2007
Cubism - 21 Nov. 2007

Dadaism - 9 Oct. 2007
Dante Gabriel Rossetti - 30 Dec. 2006
Dale Chihuly - 7 May 2007
David Hockney - 6Feb. 2009
Diane Arbus - 23 Jan. 2009
Dorothea Lange - 24 March 2009

Edvard Munch - 28 Nov. 2008
Edward Hopper - 14 June 2007
e.e.cummings - 14 Feb 2009
Erté - 16 Jan. 2009

Frida Kahlo - 15 Sept. 2007

Georgia O'Keefe - 27 Dec. 2006
Golden Age of Illustration - 6 Dec. 2007
Grandma Moses - 7 Sept. 2007
Gustav Klimt - 3 July 2007
Gwen John - 2 Jan. 2009

Henri Rousseau - 5 Jan. 2008

Irving Norman - 7 Nov. 2008

J.C. Leyendecker - 7 Dec. 2007
Jack Vettriano - 29 May 2007
Jackson Pollock - 17 Jul 2007
Jasper Johns - 27 March 2009
Jessie Wilcox Smith - 19 Oct 2007
John Everett Millais - 30 Dec. 2006

Kate Greenaway - 19 Oct. 2007

LP Sleeves- 24 August 2008

Mabel Lucy Attwell - 19 Oct. 2007
Maxfield Parrish - 16 March 2008
Michael Parkes - 18 July 2008
Miro - 22 Jan 2007
Modigliani - 21 Sep 2007
Mondrian - 22 Jan 2007

Norman Rockwell - 4 Nov. 2006 & 7 Dec. 2007

Paul Klee - 22 Jan 2007 & 18 April 2007
Picasso - 21 Nov. 2007
Pin-up Art - 25 Dec. 2006
Pre-Raphaelites - 30 Dec. 2006

Robert Frank - 17 April 2009
Robert Redbird - 5 Oct 2007
Roy Lichenstein - 17 April 2007

San Base - 27 Feb. 2009
Social Realism - 7 Nov. 2008
Surrealism - 18 April 2007

Tamara de Lempicka - 9 Jan. 2009
Toulouse Lautrec - 28 Nov. 2008

Van Gogh - 24 Aug. 2007

William Holman Hunt - 30 Dec. 2006
William Morris - 13 Nov. 2006



a) Writers (novelists and journalists)
b) Poets

who are covered on this blog.

These are in alphabetical order by surname.

WRITERS (journalists, novelists)

Douglas Adams - 24 Nov. 2006
Louise May Alcott -8 Dec. 2006

Ray Bradbury - 9 April 2009
Art Buchwald - 5 March 007
William Buckley - 5 March 2007

Lewis Carroll - 22 Jan. 2007
Ann Coulter - 15 Oct. 2007, 7 June 2008 & 6 Jan. 2009

Neil Gaiman -14 Aug. 2007 & 16 Feb. 2009

Nat Hentoff - 5 Mar 2007

Sinclair Lewis - 26/27 Nov. & 2 Dec. 2006

Michelle Malkin - 5 Mar. 2007
Larry McMurtry - 7 Dec. 2006
James A. Michener - 6 Dec. 2006, 19 Aug. 2008, 4 Dec. 2008
A.A. Milne - 18 Jan. 2009
Lance Morrow - 30 Nov. 2008

Ogden Nash - 26 & 30 Nov. 2006, 2 Dec. 2006

George Orwell - 15 Aug. 2008
John Osborne - 21 Aug. 2007

Dorothy Parker - 26 & 28 Nov 2006 & 2 Dec. 2006
S.J. Perelman - 26 Nov. 2006 & 1/2 Dec. 2006

Morgan Robertson -4 Dec. 2008

Nevil Shute - 4 Dec. 2008
Shel Silverstein - 15 Dec. 2008
H. Allen Smith - 26 Nov. 2006 & 1/2 Dec. 2006
Thorne Smith - 24 Nov. 2006
John Steinbeck - 21 Aug. 2007

James Thurber - 26 & 29 Nov. 2006, 2 Dec. 2006

Gore Vidal - 5 Mar. 2007

E.B. White - 16 & 17 Dec. 2006



W.H. Auden - 4 Nov. 2007

Lord Byron - 11 Oct. 2008

Billy Collins - 25 Feb. 2007
e.e. cummings - 14 Feb. 2009

T.S. Eliot - 31 Dec. 2007

Philip Larkin - 9 Aug. 2008
Emma Lazarus - 25 Nov. 2007
H.W. Longfellow - 18 Nov. 2007

Ogden Nash - 26 & 30 Nov. 2006, 2 Dec. 2006

Dorothy Parker - 26 & 28 Nov. 2006, 2 Dec. 2006

Shel Silverstein - 15 Dec. 2008

Dylan Thomas - 23 Dec. 2007 & 27 Oct. 2008

Ella Wheeler Wilcox - 4 Jan 2009
Walt Whitman - 5 Oct. 2008
Richard Wilbur - 1 March 2008