Monday, February 16, 2009

Teen+ Fantasy = Jonas

Every generation of young females has to have one. A fantasy, a focus for their budding femininity. It seems like the current generation of youngsters have, courtesy of Disney, been herded towards their own fantasy - The Jonas Brothers.

I can't remember having such a clear focus, personally. It's a long time ago, and the teen pop music phenomenon was in its infancy then. I do remember travelling to a nearby city by 'bus to see one Dickie Valentine - a pop crooner who had the dubious pleasure of having handkerchieves thrown at him on-stage. Before the advent of Kleenex we carried delicate lace edged handkies in our pockets, often with our initial nattily embroidered in one corner. In deepest Yorkshire the idea of throwing bras or panties hadn't yet surfaced.

For following generations the Beatles stirred up a storm, then the Bay City Rollers, then I lost track, until the other night when the Jonas Brothers appeared, first on Letterman then on SNL.

It's comforting to see that though many things change, some things stay the same. There's always going to be a boy, or a boy band, or a band of brothers to get the hearts of young gals beating faster.

Astrologer Jeff Jawer has already written a piece touching on the astrology of The J. Brothers...see here .

I took a look at their charts set for 12 noon, in the absence of times of birth. Yes, it's clear that the two younger lads have similarities and Kevin, without as much grounding Earth (Virgo and Capricorn) as the other two, and with Pluto conjunct Sun in Scorpio is going to prove somehow, some day, to be "the odd one out".
Click on charts image to enlarge. Top left: Nick/bottom left: Joe, right: Kevin)

(In photograph, left to right: Nick/Joe/Kevin)

As I watched them on Letterman, having no idea of their birth dates, I kept focusing on Joe, the middle (in age) brother. His snazzy haircut attracted the eye, he seems just slightly "cooler". His natal Moon is, more likely than not, in Aquarius. Unless he was born in the very early hours, 1 or 2am-ish, he defintely has an early Aquarius Moon. Nick has a dash of Aquarius too, via Saturn in its traditional home sign, so he and Joe have a touch of the Water Bearer, leaving Kevin the odd one out yet again.

It'll be interesting to watch their progress and develoment.

I found their dates and places of birth on Wiki Answers HERE.
Kevin Paul Jonas Jr. was born in Teaneck, New Jersey on November 05, 1987.
Joseph Adam Jonas was born in Casa Grande, Arizona on August 15, 1989.
Nicholas Jerry Jonas was born in Dallas, Texas on September 16, 1992


  1. I'd say they appeal to the 'tweens' of our culture, T, as any girl over 13 rolls her eyes at the thought of the Jonas bros.
    Dickie Valentine!! LOL!!! forgot about him.
    I also loved Cliff Richard and Marty Wilde and Paul Anka.

  2. WWW ~~ I was posting on yours as you posted on mine :-)

    You're right, I think. Yes, I'm not up to scratch with young mindsets these days, but I can imagine older teens would definitely not be impressed with such immaturity! It's probably kids from 8 or 9 to 12 or 13 - adolescents would be a better word than teens I guess, but it somehow sounds harsh. Tweens is nicer.

  3. 1987/89/92? I suppose they are out of nappies (sorry, diapers!)
    (all followed by a deep sigh).

  4. RJ ~~~ Policemen and pop stars - all gettin' younger every day!
