Sunday, November 16, 2008


"The cosmos is a vast living body, of which we are still parts. The sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins. The moon is a great nerve center from which we quiver forever. Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus? But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time."
~D.H. Lawrence

I am part of the sea and stars
And the winds of the South and North
Of mountains and Moon and Mars,
And the ages sent me forth.

Edward H. S. Terry

The spirit of the universe is at once creative and destructive.. it creates while it destroys and destroys while it creates, and therefore it remains to us a riddle. And we must inevitably resign ourselves to this.Albert Schweitzer

A live performance of John Lennon's "Across the Universe" with a starry lineup of performers, at the Grammy awards in (I think) 2006. I love the way they adjust the lyrics near the end, and sing "Something's gonna change my world".....and it did - on November 4th 2008 their prediction came true!!

-Stevie Wonder
-Norah Jones
-Brian Wilson
-Alicia Keys
-Scott Weiland
-Billie Joe
-Tim McGraw
-Steven Tyler
-Allison Kraus(violin)
-Dave Kushner(guitAR)
-Matt Sorum(drum)
Duff McKagen(bass)


  1. You remind me: I am entranced by Lennon's use of the English language. His ability to string just the right words together -- I have always thought of it as magical.
    You remind me: Rufus Wainwright is the best performer of "Across the Universe" since Lennon. There is a YouTube clip of Wainwright, Moby and Sean Lennon doing the song, but Wainwright's solo of the song stands up well.
    You remind me: We are approaching the 28th anniversary of a loss that still makes me weep. Can it really be so long ago?

  2. Hello kaleymorris

    I agree on John Lennon's talent with words - I've only come to truly appreciate it since being here in the USA.

    As it happens I had chosen the version of ATU you mention, with Lennon/Moby/Wainwright, but replaced it with this one later purely because of the way they changed the final lines.

    I wasn't familiar with Wainright, and was only able to work out which one he is in that video because I knew Moby is bald, and the one who looks like John Lennon must be his son - which left Rufus.
    And I had decided that he sang the song very well - so agreed again!
    28 years! Amazing. I wonder what he'd be writing about now?
    I think he'd be pleased about Obama, disgusted and very angry about Iraq, horrified about GWB.
