Saturday, September 27, 2008

Paul Newman. R.I.P.

(Second post today).
I've just read that we've lost Paul Newman. One of those rare movie actors who never once, in his five decade long career, disappointed his fans, never shocked us, only ever delighted us. His male beauty was legendary in his heyday, yet he never seemed in any way egotistical. He became a social activist, proponent of actors' rights and a philanthropist. He died with Uranus, his Aquarian Sun's ruler, retrograded to within a degree of its natal position. Uranus had touched the same point (19 Pisces) back in the spring, before its apparent retrograde movement began, perhaps when his illness started to become intense.

His death brought a lump to my throat.

Paul died at age 83, a long, productive and I'm sure happy life, with his beloved Joanne Woodward, to whom the thoughts and condolences of his legions of fans, including myself, must now fly.

I think I've seen all of Paul's movies, all so good it's hard to pick a favourite. A scene from "Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid", with co-star Robert Redford always makes me smile. The two stars leap into the unknown here - Paul has now leapt, in real life, into the unknown, and out of suffering.

Paul's natal chart is available at Astrodatabank here.


  1. I burst into tears, T.
    Like you, i've seen all his movies, both the good and not so good, and his performance always shone beyond the material given to him.
    I think his philanthropy goes far beyond what the public knowledge of it is.
    the world is not the same.

  2. He was a force for good, wasn't he, WWW?

    I did shed a few myself later on too! Felt a bit silly, but it's almost like losing another friend.

  3. I say a lot about celebrities, and not much of it is nice. But this is a time to remember I don't mean all celebrities. Some are marvellous people - and they are usually the ones who earned the status through brilliance.
    We've just lost one of those.

  4. Hi AN ~~~ I share your dislike of celebrities in general. Paul was a good 'un though - one of the best.

  5. Hi movie fan - Yes, indeed! It'd be good if there were many more like him.

    And...thanks for the visit and comment.
