Monday, September 08, 2008

Monday Moon Miscellany

Monday! The day named for The Moon in many different cultures: European, Japanese, Hindi, Malayan, Korean; written of in poetry and lyrics, included in paintings over many centuries.

To the Moon
by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Art thou pale for weariness
Of climbing heaven, and gazing on the earth,
Wandering companionless
Among the stars that have a different birth,--
And ever changing, like a joyous eye
That finds no object worth its constancy?

There are some wonderful shots of the Moon at Art and the Zen of Design

This example, "Powerline Moon", by Tony Karp, could symbolize Moon in Aquarius, mixing the Moon with the technology of Aquarius.

The Moon will move into Aquarius later this week, but won't grow as full as shown here until in Pisces, early next week.

"The moon develops the imagination, as chemicals develop photographic images".
Sheila Ballantyne(teacher and novelist).

In ancient times the Moon was called Isis, Esses, Luna, Eleusis, and the Virgin Mere; is significant of things of a constantly changing and fluctuating character; is feminine, nocturnal, cold, moist, phlegmatic and fruitful. In mundane astrology the Moon rules (among other things) the public in general, females and liquids.
(From Llewellyn George's "Student Chart Reader of Horoscope Indications").

Astrologically, the sign in which Moon is found in a natal chart indicates the individual's inner self, the type of immediate emotional response to life's situations, external influences, the actions of others. Moon position can also be a guide to attitudes instilled in the individual by family, in childhood, indicates the kind of relationship with the mother, and women generally, also how the individual in question might respond to the public.

Above - A marble altar, preserved in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France, depicts Moon-goddess Selene accompanied by the Dioscuri, or Phosphoros (the Morning Star) and Hesperos (the Evening Star). This is Roman artwork, 2nd century CE.
Selene's great love was a handsome shepherd prince, Endymion, who was granted eternal youth and immortality by Zeus and placed in a state of eternal slumber in a cave near the peak of Lydian Mount Latmos. There his heavenly bride descended to consort with him in the night. Selene gave birth to 50 daughters! Other goddesses were associated with the Moon, in myth, but Selene is the only one represented by the Greek poets as the Moon incarnate.


  1. In ancient Irish history, T, the moon had 17 cycles, a very sacred number as that was the maximum number of generations one was supposed to 'remember' in family lore.

  2. Interesting, WWW. I haven't come across 17 as a significant number anywhere before. Maybe it's connected somehow with the eclipse cycles.
