Friday, September 12, 2008

Awards (and something completely different.)

I thank blogging colleague Anthony North of Beyond the Blog for his beyond kind award to this blog as a "Brainy Blog". I've added the little graphic to my sidebar. I am embarrased, but also appreciative of the kind gesture. I comfort myself that in a literal sense this blog is "brainy": see brain in small header sketch, drawn by my husband.

I've never nominated any blog for any award - not because I don't rate any as deserving - all those I read regularly (and you know who you are) deserve any and all awards I could possibly find to bestow upon them.

All the astrology bloggers in my link list , and any who are missing from there, are all Brainy Blogs, in my estimation - without exception. It'd be a big job to go around them all though, so I choose not to name any blog individually. I'll just say here a simple thank you to all of them, astrological and others for the informative and entertaining, thought-provoking, and only occasionally aggravating ;-) offerings. A big thank you too, to any who regularly read my own scribblings - you also deserve an award - for bravery!

The idea for the Brainy Blog award originates at Mommy Brain Reports

"Mommy Brain Reports is on the lookout for some Brainy Sites! Do you know of any?

Perhaps they have some really interesting ideas, super cool content, or they have some incredible posts that make you really think… Maybe they are your inspiration, or they have helped you out in your quest to be an awesome blogger yourself. Are they someone you can turn to at a moment’s notice for help or advice? Maybe they’re just someone who has encouraged you to be.. well.. You!

In any case, you have to know someone who you would deem a Brainy Blogger! You should let them know how you feel!!!

Think of at least 5 bloggers that you believe to be “Brainy Bloggers”
Post it on your blog for all to see! Let them know you’ve awarded them by email, twitter, etc or via a comment on their blog!
Share some linky love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back to
Come back to the Brainy Blog Headquarters".




  1. The award is well deserved. As for Palin, loved those sketches. Interestingly, the first real air combat unit was known as the Flying Circus. One problem though, with all his travel documentaries, he's got a passport :-)

  2. I agree with 'anthonynorth', Michael has a passport which disqualifies him straight away. It's unfortunate, as Michael would be a far better president than any so far, with the possible exception of George Washington, with whom he'd probably tie.
    I really don't go along with 'blog awards'. I usually read yours after all those hard, political, blogs (like that awful Sparrow Chat) and thus find it both relaxing and quietly refreshing (though I don't comprehend all that astrology stuff).

  3. AN, WWW, and RJ - Hello Y'all - and thank you!

    I didn't know about the Flying Circus, AN. I have wondered where Monty P's name originated though, but assumed it was just a zany combination of words.

    Hmmm - quietly refreshing, RJ - why than you sir! Your own is stimulating and occasionally hair-raising, and hackle raising to yours truly - but it's all good stuff.

    As for the astrology - I sometimes think of myself as a kind of missionary for the subject - venturing among the non-believers, bringing beads and trinkets.....LOL! ;-)
