Sunday, May 25, 2008

My sad tarot news

When I mentioned tarot cards in my blog of 20 May, I was assuming the very negative set of cards I drew were answering the question I'd asked, regarding the week's primary election. As it turned out they didn't answer that question, but I now see that were telling me, personally, something else. Something I found out first thing yesterday morning when I opened the e-mail which awaited me. I've checked planetary transits and found that Jupiter and the Moon were conjunct my natal Mercury (21 Capricorn) yesterday. An important and emotional(Moon) event did occur, via communication (Mercury).

Pat, a friend of mine for over 30 years, in the UK, had died very unexpectedly in her sleep on 16 May, just three days before her 61st birthday. Yesterday her brother, after dealing with his own shock over several days, sent an e-mail to the many friends in her address book as the only way he knew to break the sad news to us. As I read the mail the phone rang: another friend, hoping to catch me before I opened the mail.

Photo below is of Pat(left), the friend who called me(centre), and me, taken during a visit back to the UK in April 2005.

Pat was always such an inspiration to me and to everyone who knew her. She suffered from polio as a child, spent several early years in an "iron lung" and the rest of her life in a wheelchair. She allowed me to practice on her natal chart when I first bought astrology software. I was interested to find what I saw as a connection between her chart and that of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had also suffered from polio.

In spite of her difficulties she was one of the most optimistic people I've ever met, in love with life, and always up for adventure and a laugh. She travelled widely, all over Europe and America, cruises, fly-drives, all kinds of excitement, with the help of a good friend and carer. They even had a trip to Australia planned for the coming November. I worked alongside Pat for 24 years, and cannot remember ever seeing her downhearted.

Pat was awarded the M.B.E. when she retired, in recognition her lifetime of government service (Member of the Order of the British Empire). She was so thrilled to attend the ceremony at Buckingham Palace and meet Prince Charles.

Both her aged parents have outlived her, both are in very frail health. I can't bear to think how they and all the family, must be feeling now.

Pat adored Cliff Richard. I think that she once even met him in person, at a concert.

I'm posting this in geat sadness, in her memory.

Rest in Peace, dear friend.


  1. Oh T:
    I am so sorry to hear of your loss, what an awful shock. Life is never the same again without our dear friends by our sides.
    Pat sounds like such a special lady and so full of optimism.
    You will miss her terribly.
    Loving thoughts to you.

  2. I can only echo WiseWebWoman. My sincerest condolences on your sad loss.

  3. Lovely tribute; so sorry for your loss
