Monday, May 19, 2008

Family Celebration for a Gemini

The Sun is moving ever closer to the zodiac sign of Gemini. My husband's son-in-law, a Sun Geminian - and if ever I met a "typical Gemini" he's it - is being inducted into the local High School's Sports Hall of Fame this evening. He is a journalist, now Editor of a local newspaper, but earlier in his career, a Sports Editor, first in his native Illinois, then for our town's daily newspaper. In addition to his wide knowledge of sport, he's a music nut - all genres, he takes a keen interest in politics and will chat about almost any other subject you could name. He's a fun guy. He is leader of his own (tongue-in-cheek) political party, "The Gemini Party", and is a fantasy candidate in the coming presidential election, treating his readers to progress reports in a regular Sunday column. He's an active member of the local Arts Committee, and responsible for booking performers for monthly concerts, October to April annually. He's such a good example of this sign - if we had a Gemini Hall of Fame, I'd nominate him! (Sketch by my husband).

Best wishes to you "TNPOTUS", and hearty congratulations on the honour to be bestowed tonight. We, along with all the local family, and visiting dignitaries, will cheer you on with gusto.


  1. SIL sounds like an amazing person, T.
    I just love his sense of humour and his engagement with life. I've had very successful relationships with Geminis BTW.

  2. Hi WWW.
    Geminis can be very engaging, can't they? I can well imagine that you'd get on with them well, I do too. I look on them as Aquarius's chattier cousins.

    I'll be in touch during the week - we're off to the airport today with #2 son. :-)

  3. My mom's a Gemini. :-)

    Twilight, if you ever have the time and enthusiasm, I'd love you to look at my birth chart. It's hard to be objective when you do your own chart and I'd love to see what you'd pick up. Your insights always impress me.

  4. I'd be glad to do that, Michelle.
    I have offered to do the same for someone else, just minutes ago, so it'll take a day or two.

    I'm not keen on displaying my usual e-mail address here, but I have a secondary one you could use to send me your birth data - date, place and exact time of birth (if available).

  5. thanks Twilight

    I understand about the email. I do the same.
