Thursday, February 07, 2008

Craig Ferguson, US Citizen.

On his "Late Late Show" this week, Scottish-born Craig Ferguson announced that on Friday 1 February he finally became a US citizen. A short film clip showed him taking the Oath of Allegiance, hand on heart. ("Oh, when will it be my turn?" she whines.) Also this week it was announced that he will host the White House Correspondents' Dinner, and be seated next to President Bush at the top table. Isn't this a classic example of being quick to "get your feet under the table"! (Article here).

John Townley's interpretation of Craig's natal chart can be found HERE. I decided to take a quick look at a sidereal version. This is one case (the first so far) where the tropical chart seems clearly to be a much better match, and there are no good planetary "compensations" here to muddy the water. Mars and Venus are in sidereal Taurus, with the Sun, which remains in Taurus in both zodiac versions, but in sidereal it's earlier, at just 1 degree.

We watch Craig's monlogue, though not his interviews, regularly. He displays strong Gemini traits. Before I knew his birthdate I'd earmarked him as Gemini Sun or ascendant. His tropical Sun is in Taurus, but Mercury and Venus are in Gemini. I just don't see him as triple Taurus with no Gemini present at all.

As an experiment, I used my software to relocate Craig's natal chart (17 May 1962), which is calculated for Glasgow, Scotland, to California where he's lived for many years. If my software is correct his relocated ascendant falls in Cancer, which doesn't strike me as very appropriate. I'm curious as to the source of his birth time. We Brits tend not to be in possession of this important information, unless our parents are astrologers or of a stangely meticulous strain. Both Astrotheme and John Townley have a time of 6.10pm though, so I assume it's valid. His Scorpio Moon and Neptune have moved out of first, into fourth house, better for a more serene inner personality, but troublesome for homelife. He often mentions that he's been divorced twice, but I don't know whether that was in the USA or UK. Relocated Sun, Mercury and Venus are in 11th house, a communicative Air house - excellent position for his profession of comedian, presenter and occasional author. His talent definitely seems to have blossomed since moving to the USA, there's no denying that.

On 1st February, when Craig attended the Oath Ceremony in Pomona, California, Mars was transiting conjunct his natal Venus, Saturn hovered over natal Pluto, and Moon in Sagittarius transited his relocated Vertex - a Moon of destiny!

More interesting though, transiting Uranus, planet of change, in Pisces has been shuffling back and forth over his natal Jupiter (laws and legal matters) since April 2007 - he almost certainly sent in his application for citizenship within that timespan. Craig's natal Jupiter at 9 Pisces is just 3 degrees from my own at 6 Pisces, meaning that transiting Uranus has hovered over both my natal Jupiter and his during the same recent period, and we are two British born individuals who have been, or are still, engaged in applying for US citizenship. Coincidence?

Craig is unlikely to ever cast his eyes over this blog, he has said, more than once, that he has no interest in astrology. I'll add my congratulations anyway, for his managing to successfully navigate the murky waters of USCIS, and come out the other side smiling. No doubt he had a lawyer at the wheel, expertly steering him around and beyond the obstacles and consequent frustrations which are still part of my own trip to the same destination.

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