Monday, December 03, 2007

A Triple Sagittarian Good Guy

Thousands of legal immigrants to America, would-be US citizens (myself included) are stuck in the quagmire that is USCIS. We now have a champion - New York Senator Charles (Chuck) Schumer.

A press release last week revealed that he is to introduce legislation making it easier for USCIS to re-hire retirees to help deal with the backlogs.

"Schumer said immigrants who have followed the law and waited their turn should not have to sit in bureaucratic limbo because Citizenship and Immigration Services, part of the Homeland Security Department, was not prepared for the spike in applications before fees increased."

"For waves of would-be citizens, bureaucratic incompetence is turning the American Dream into a dream deferred," Schumer said in a news release."

"Indeed, believes Schumer, it could work so satisfactorily that he wants a CIS commitment to get the applications processed by July 4, just in time for national swearing-in ceremonies. That's eight months from now, not 18 - and he has called upon director Gonzalez to show cause why this goal cannot be met."

Extracts from HERE and HERE

I hope something comes of this, then I might be in with a chance of voting in 2008 after all!

I've taken a look at the Senator's natal chart. I'd like to know more about the man we immigrants have to thank for his support.

Senator Charles Schumer was born in Brooklyn, New York on 23 November 1950. (No time of birth available, so below is a 12 noon chart for his day of birth)

I should've known! A triple Sagittarius!!! Sagittarius understands immigrants - it being the vagabond of the zodiac.

Saturn at 00 Libra exactly sextiles Sun at 00 Sagittarius, and and Venus at 3 Sagittarius. Saturn relates to the law - which makes up a large part of the Senator's life's work, and it is here closely connected with his Sun(essence of self).

Mars in Capricorn semi-sextiles Mercury, Capricorn links back to Saturn (its ruling sign). The semi-sextile is a semi-harmonious connection to planet of communication, Mercury. Capricorn and Sagittarius are not highly compatible, but because of the link between Saturn and Sun, I suspect in this case it works rather well, Mars adding energy and drive to all his legal doings.

Jupiter, natal Sun's ruler lies in Aquarius, in the last degree, not making a close aspect with anything as far as I can tell, without time of birth. I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find humanitarian and foward-looking Aquarius rising, having looked quickly at a few articles about the Senator's work.

I should add that Hillary Clinton has also come out on our side. She has written to Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security, telling him to "get his finger out" (as we used to say in Yorkshire). Report is on her website.

Our two champions will not see this blog, but it's in the nature of a loud yell into the ethers:
"Thank you Senators!"

Things are lookin' up!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the interesting read i will have to check out schumer

    if you have immigration questions click here
