Monday, December 24, 2007

"Star of Wonder...."

As I press Blogger's publish button it's still Christmas Eve here in Oklahoma, but in some parts of the world it's Christmas Day already. Christmas carols ring out from our TV - the carol for astrologers and astrology bloggers has got to be "We Three Kings"....."Star of wonder, star of light....."
In the Astrology Explored blog on Sunday Beth Turnage wrote about this wondrous Christmas Star.

This is a fun version from Australia sung by Hugh Jackman, David Hobson and Peter Cousens, hamming it up, but singing well.

I found the following illustration on the cover of an old "Pathfinder Town Journal", dated December 1953 - picked it up in an antique shop on our spring travels. 54 years ago the topics were much the same as we find in magazines and the internet today - but many steps back: the atom bomb, elections, new car models, black and white TVs, cookie recipes, winter weather and more. No astrology column though. There's a paragraph in a page titled Looking Ahead - "What will the US be like in 1963?" John E. Haines, VP of Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co. predicted:

"Planes will fly round the world non-stop in less than 18 hours.
Rockets will reach the moon
Residential air conditioning will be as commonplace as automatic heating is today
Houses will be built of plastics."

Not bad....not bad !

Now....what will America be like in 2017?



  1. I had this set of old "books of knowledge" that I kept for ages purely for the amusement of reading their prediction that "blimps" (hydrogen airships? I can't remember their correct scientific name now) would be the future way that people would travel around the world. It predicted mass tourist travel between America and Europe... all by this form of transportation.

    What would I predict for 2017? tricky one! I don't think I'd dare. :-\ I could predict a bit for 2008 on Chinese astrology... might do that for my blog. I didn't want to do this year because pig years are so volatile they can be scary, but next year is Rat and should be better. :-)

  2. PS... glad you liked the clock and it works. Very cool! :-)

  3. I'll watch for those 2008 predictions, Michelle.

    I don't understand how Chinese astrology works in detail. I haven't investigated it further, so as not to confuse the old brainbox - any further than it already is confused!

    I've chickened out of any 2017 predictions too, in favour of a look into the far distance. :-)
