Thursday, September 13, 2007

Virgo Sings Country.

Idly glancing down a list of "celebrities" born during Sun in Virgo times, I was struck by the number of well known names. Many Virgo Sun people will have at least one personal planet in show-bizzy Leo, which is going to help balance that somewhat serious, practical Virgoan side they are very likely to have.

I noticed at least four female country singers in the list. Three of them more or less contemporary, one from the past. I thought it would be fun to look at all four charts. (See below). Might there be a common denominator, other than Sun in Virgo? I was unable to trace times of birth, so I've had to use 12 noon charts, which is a pity. Ascendants and Moon positions could uncover more similarities.

The four singers:

Patsy Cline born 8 September 1932, Winchester, Virginia. USA.

Trisha Yearwood born 19 September 1964, Monticello, Georgia.USA.

Shania Twain born 28 August 1965, Windsor Ontario, Canada.

Faith Hill born 21 September 1967, Ridgeland, Mississippi. USA.

Well, all do have either Mercury or Venus in Leo.

The three contemporary singers' charts show a roughly funnel or bucket configuration - most planets in one half of the circle, with a planet outside the semicircle - in this case it's Saturn, the career/work planet. Even in Patsy Cline's chart Saturn lies broadly opposite most of her personal planets. Perhaps Saturn in such a configuration does add drive and determination to achieve career ambitions, with extra ability to focus on these issues. Oddly, using 12noon charts, these ladies' natal Moons all came up at 0 or 1 degree of a sign - coincidence I suppose.

All the ladies have Pluto and/or Uranus close to personal planets or Sun. The three contemporaries particularly seem to benefit from this, with Sun Pluto and Uranus all close. Here is the clue ! This, together with the Leo input, is what helped Virgo move into the limelight - and with a fair amount of pizzazz in these cases.

The fact that these 4 ladies gravitated to country music, rather than jazz or rock or opera, could have to do with Virgo. Virgo is an Earthy sign. Country is an earthy genre and Earth is being given extra emphasis here by outer planets.

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