Sunday, August 26, 2007

Waiting for Venus

I'm not sure whether the current Venus retrograde period has any connection to a couple of minor irritations I'm experiencing just now, but it is a possibility. Venus does relate to money, as well as love and beauty.

There's a good article by astrologer Rob Tillett on Venus Retrograde 2007 HERE.

One of my current irritations: I posted my application for US citizenship to the appropriate service centre on Thursday 26 July, the day before the current retro period period began. My packet, containing a cheque for $400 and all required enclosures was signed for at USCIS (Texas) on Monday 30 July. To date my cheque has not been cashed. I did expect a longer wait than normal for acknowledgement, due to possible flood of applications trying to avoid July 30's hefty fee increase. I didn't expect such a long wait before someone even got around to opening my packet! My wait for citizenship is looking likely to stretch well into next year, and perhaps even beyond that.

Thanks a bunch Venus retrograde! I wonder if the coming lunar eclipse might help to shake things up - it's going to occur almost opposite my 6 Pisces natal Jupiter.

Looking back to a previous Venus retrograde time, between mid-May and August 2004 - I find, to my surprise, that I was in a comparable situation then ! I'd just mailed my application for a US immigration visa based on my recent marriage to HeWhoKnows. We were both back in England, and feeling anxious that things would get underway quickly so that I could sell my house, pack up and head west. I'm not quite as as anxious about things this time around, but it'd be nice to get my fingerprinting behind me soon, so's we can plan a short trip. Oh - and I really would like to be able to vote in 2008 - it's looking more and more unlikely as weeks go by.

The other incident (or coincidence) which might be Venus related is my discovery, just over a week ago, that my UK based credit card had been fraudulently used for gambling purposes on 12 occasions before HSBC noticed and cancelled my card - causing a few of my transactions to be refused, and leaving me cardless until postal services from the UK catch up and deliver a new one to me in the USA.

Get a move on Venus - please!

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