Saturday, August 11, 2007

Venus Retrograde

I'm trying to follow the advice of astrologers (Jonathan Cainer, for instance) to look back to between late July and early September 1999, when Venus was in retrograde motion in the same part of the zodiac as now, between the latter part of Leo and early Virgo.

Jonathan says:

"Think about the dramas that were being played out in your life, in the lives of those around you, and on the world stage. Now look carefully at what's going on. The details may be different, but in the sentiment and spirit of many a situation, there is an uncanny echo."

That is not as easy as it sounds - not for me, anyway. Life has changed so much, both personally, in the USA, and in the world. If, as astrology teaches, the patterns of life are cyclic, like the movement of the planets ("as above, so below") I'd best steel myself and do as I'm told!

1999 was another lifetime. Before 9/11, before I owned a computer, before my late partner's health slipped into its last slow decline, and of course, before I left the UK. I could, with the benefit of hindsight, see 1999 as the run-up to a gateway, which led to a dark tunnel, through which it became essential to travel before being able to re-emerge into the light. In a way it was the same for the USA, it was just prior to the 2000 election. That election led into years of murkiness, 9/11, Iraq, Katrina, etc. from which the country still hasn't emerged.

It's not that any of those difficulties can be blamed solely, or at all, on poor old Venus retrograde - that would be silly. But I'm trying to see a parallel between what I experienced personally between then and now, and what this country (USA) has experienced. We've both moved on so far since 1999, that I can't begin to envision what, if anything, the current retrograde period might mean as part of a cyclic pattern. I only sincerely hope that it will not in the same league as the cycle which followed 1999! If I'm still around in 8 years' time, when Venus reaches the same point again, - I'll let y'all know how it went.

Merle Haggard wrote a song many years ago which goes as follows (perhaps he wrote it during a Venus retrograde period!) These lyrics prove that old saying, "the more things change, the more they remain the same".... and round and around we go!

Wish a buck was still silver.
It was, back when the country was strong.
Back before Elvis; before the Vietnam war came along.
Before The Beatles and "Yesterday",
When a man could still work, and still would.
Is the best of the free life behind us now?
Are the good times really over for good?

Are we rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell?
With no kind of chance for the Flag or the Liberty bell.
Wish a Ford and a Chevy,
Could still last ten years, like they should.
Is the best of the free life behind us now?
Are the good times really over for good?

I wish coke was still cola,
And a joint was a bad place to be.
It was back before Nixon lied to us all on TV.
Before microwave ovens,
When a girl could still cook, and still would.
Is the best of the free life behind us now?
Are the good times really over for good?

Are we rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell?
With no kind of chance for the Flag or the Liberty bell.
Wish a Ford and a Chevy,
Could still last ten years, like they should.
Is the best of the free life behind us now?
Are the good times really over for good?

Stop rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell!
Stand up for the Flag and let's all ring the Liberty bell!

Let's make a Ford and a Chevy,
Still last ten years, like they should.
'Cos the best of the free life is still yet to come,
The good times ain't over for good.


  1. I think I've won, in 1999, 2 literary prizes and signed a contract to publish that same book (with a publisher who never paid me my rights - the scumbag).


  2. Hello dunyazade,

    Thanks for your visit.

    Perhaps you'll be ready to publish again soon, as we've completed our circuit on the Venus merrygoround. But this time you'll be a little wiser. Good luck in any endeavour!

  3. Thank you :)
    And I like your blog, that's why I visit *****

  4. A bit of synchronicity - I heard your nickname mentioned yesterday in an interview, and learned that
    Dunyazade was the sister of
    Scheherazade, legendary storyteller. I live and learn!
