Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Week That Was

I reckon this puts much of what we've read and seen this week in the shade:

MONTEZUMA, Iowa: Two teens are marching across the country for peace, hoping to gain followers and attention with each step they take.

Ashley Casale, 19, and Michael Israel, 18, had hoped others who opposed the war in Iraq would join them on their 3,000-mile (4,800-kilometer) walk from San Francisco to Washington. But since they started off on May 21, it has usually been just the two of them.

It was not what Casale planned when she started a Web site and sent fliers to colleges nationwide to promote what she called "March for Peace." Still, after 1,600 miles (2,575 kilometers) and three pairs of sandals, she seemed satisfied with the march's progress.

Full article at International Herald Tribune HERE

Generationally these two teens "have their heads screwed on right" (as my grandma would have said.) When they were born, 1988/9, Neptune, Pluto, Uranus and Saturn would have provided a generational mix of Sagittarius, Capricorn and Scorpio as background for their personal planets. Passionate (Scorpio) about their cause, with plenty of common sense and determination (Capricorn), going to extremes to make their point(Sagittarius).

To paraphrase an old Irish blessing :

May the road rise up to meet to meet them
May the wind always be at their backs.
May the sun shine warm upon their faces,
and rains fall soft upon them.
And until they reach their destination ,
May their God hold them in the palm of His hand.


  1. Just when one begins to loose all patience with a young generation (you know, PH and BS and LL and all the boys...)there comes along an example like this one. Good for them.

  2. Good luck (and comfy shoes!) to them.
