Thursday, July 26, 2007

Last lap of my journey

Today the last lap of my long immigration journey begins. Today's the day I'll be mailing my application for US citizenship. As it happens, transiting Mercury is just a couple of degrees away from my natal ascendant, and transiting Moon conjoins natal Venus - seems like a reasonably good omen!

I didn't choose the day because of anything astrological, I've chosen it because it's the first day I become eligible to apply, and because on 30 July the total fee will rise from $400 to $675.

The next stage will follow in a few weeks when I'll be called in for fingerprinting. After that there'll be a long wait of several months before the main interview, then another wait until the next available Oath Ceremony. I'll be watching transits closely to note whether any astrology fits appointment dates as I receive them.

In the meantime I'm brushing up on US history and government. As part of the main interview I'll be asked 10 questions on "civics" from a list of 140, and will need to answer at least 6 correctly. Then they'll test my ability to, er..... speak and write English! Apparently they go through the motions with this little test whether one is a naturally English speaking/writing person or not. It's probably all about discrimination.

I'm hoping to be a citizen in time to vote in the 2008 election!


  1. Good luck, and may the rest of the process go smoothly. With any luck, you'll help bring a new and better administration to power, next year.

    One day, I hope to be able to apply for US citizenship, myself, though there seem to be ever more immigration hoops to jump through the more time goes by!

  2. Thank you, Ninth Immortal (what a lovely name!)

    Yes, who knows, maybe my vote will be the one to tip the scales the other way. I can dream!

    Hoops within hoops within hoops - you're right about that. Immigration to the US is not for the impatient or faint-heartedvumol, even for someone married to a US citizen.

    I hope you find a way to follow my tracks, if that's what you really want.

  3. Good Luck and let us know if we can help.

    I've been looking in since I finally figured out where your site is a few weeks ago. I've felt a little like I was peering in your window and thought I'd let you know.
    It's very interesting and I must say you deserve that award.


  4. Well hello K !! It's lovely to see you here.

    Thank you for your kind remarks, and offer. If anything occurs to me I'll let you know, but for now it's just a matter of waiting patiently for things to happen.

  5. Actually, it's vital that Brits demonstrate they can speak proper English. A society can never be too careful, you know. If you need help with the correct for of English, which we all know is American, just let me know. And congrats on the award.

  6. Hello Sir!

    Once again, thank you, and I'm honoured/honored (gotta remember me American spelling now).

    I do appreciate the difficulties and am working on this diligently.

    I'm practicing enunciating "a boddle o' waddah", but with little success, and receive only incredulous stares at Arby's.
    I can see I yet have need for intensive study.

    Anyway TNPOTUS - your ratings are climbing fast.

    Gemini Party go...go....go!!

  7. Well, lil' missie, one tip I can give you is to get over that grammatical obsession with puttin' "g" at the end o' words. You'll never pass the test doin' that. In your response above I found these Limey-inspired flub ups: spellin', workin', practicin', enunciatin', ratin's and climbin'. Plus, enunciatin' and incredulous are pretty hoity-toity words, doncha think? Just more of that "superior" British education you're showing off?

    Next, wel'l work on the proper placement of apostrophe's. Thats' always a problem for beginner's.

  8. Oh dear! TNPOTUS

    I've been working....sorry workin' hard on some banners and bumper stickers for your campaign -and I think I've put the apostrophe's in all the wrong places. Oh well - back to the coalface.

    Its' a good thing my interview is months away, or I'd disgrace myself for sure.

    From now on I'll be paying even closer attention to your own weekly writings, Sir. I couldn't have a better example, or teacher!
