Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Stranger on the Shore

Comedian Steven Wright once said "There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot."
I often feel like the idiot, just standing on the shore, in comparison with the professional astrologers in the blogosphere.

I gaze around, watch the fish jump, wonder at their lithe beauty, as the sun glints on their scales. I study the water as it ripples along, hear its soft gurgle, trail my hand in its cool wetness, but do I do anything practical with it? Nope! Well, apart from my interminable scribbling fits, that is.

But I do appreciate the wonder of it all. And I feel comfortably idiotic out here on the shoreline!


  1. Don't we all? Feel...on the outskirts?

  2. I guess so, Laurie Anne. Still, it's nice and peaceful here.
