Saturday, May 26, 2007


It's been a somewhat slow news week generally, so a little padding may be needed!

Al Gore's book "The Assault on Reason" was published. Blogger Dave Johnson attended a book signing, see his report HERE. He says, amongst other things:

"He (Al Gore) was supposed to talk for a short time, take questions and sign books, but he just got going an gave one of the most inspired, intelligent and I think historically important articulations of the current threat to the American experiment and our democracy that I have heard. He was just on fire".

Yes, I guess he must be, with transiting Pluto sparking his natal Jupiter at 28 Sagittarius!

Michelle Kraus says:
"Al Gore is the cool guy now. He is really smart. He speaks the truth. He still uses big words and has even bigger ideas. He talks about the information eco-system! He references the Age of Enlightenment and he has a dream and a vision for this country."

I've said it before, and I'll keep on saying it until all hope is gone: "Please....Run, Al....Run!!!"

To hear Paul Kaplan singing his song "Run Al, Run!" (Click twice on arrow in centre of screen)


American Idol ground to a halt at last. Capricorn Sun beat Cancer Sun, but both Jordin and Blake have achieved a head start towards lucrative careers.The finale on Wednesday night more than made up for some past lacklustre shows. It was good to see and hear Tony Bennett, Gladys Knight and Smokey Robinson - all still in good voice. We thoroughly enjoyed Wednesday's show.


On Thursday evening a new experience of American life awaited me. We attended my husband's grandson's Graduation ceremony at the local High School. I'm not sure what goes on in British schools nowadays, but in my day we had nothing quite like this. It was interesting for me, and emotional for the families involved. More on this from my husband's blog "Thinks Happen"

Two pieces of music played during the evening took me aback. As the 220 graduates filed into the auditorium we heard the orchestra play Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance March, known to almost every Brit as "Land of Hope and Glory". It's almost a secondary national anthem! This is always played with great gusto and flag-waving at the Last Night of the Proms in London. (A series of orchestral concerts held each year in the Royal Albert Hall). I felt a little disoriented for a few moments. Later, when the students sang their School Song (see photograph) there was another surprise - it was sung to the tune of "Men of Harlech"(which some folk think of as a secondary national anthem for Wales). Still - both are good tunes, and do not belong exclusively to us Brits!

Watching the students seated together on the stage, listening to their peers deliver speeches, I wondered what kind of world it will be when these kids reach the age of say, 40. Around the year 2030 Pluto will have reached Aquarius, and Uranus will be in Gemini - a good combination both in the element of Air. Neptune will have reached Aries by then. So the 3 outer planets will be quite harmoniously placed in Air and Fire signs. I cannot start to imagine what may have happened in the time between now and 2030, but I have to believe that by the time these young people reach maturity the world will be a wiser, and a better place.


On Monday morning, at the crack of dawn, I waited in the local hospital while HeWhoKnows underwent a routine "Uranian" examination. The fun part occurred when I was ushered in to help him wake from his sedation. After attempting to rouse him, I was treated to such pearls of wisdom as the mumbled "Are we there yet?", "What's my new name, then?" I asked what he would like his new name to be, and was told "Gene Autry", this followed by "Wanna fool around?" His eyes remained tightly closed, speech very slurred. I suspect he was visiting Neptune.

Speaking of Neptune - I realised this week that in my relocated chart, to which I pay scant attention, transiting Neptune is currently stationed exactly on my relocated ascendant.

Neptune! Yes. I remember you! You visited my Sun a few years ago and set my world askew for months. Perhaps now I'll have a chance to find out whether relocation charts actually "work" - I'll be watching!


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