Monday, May 14, 2007

They still haven't got the message!

It appears the US administration has still not got the message about global warming - are they deaf, dumb and blind? The Bush administration still seeks to water down proposals to be put forward at next month's G8 summit.

Al Gore ! America needs you! But even more urgently, the planet needs you! Please!!! You must have realised by now that no other current presidential candidate has the foresight or determination to do what's needed.

Al Gore currently has transiting, restrictive Saturn sitting on natal Mars (18* Leo) - possibly putting the brakes on any thought he may have of running in the 2008 election. When Saturn trundles on to 22* Leo at the end of June and into July, that planet will harmoniously sextile Gore's natal revolutionary, idealistic and ingenious Uranus at 22* Gemini, hopefully prodding him into "putting his money where his mouth is".

Transiting Jupiter, now appearing to move backwards, away from his vertex - will be conjoining it again in late October. I think the vertex is an especially sensitive point in the natal chart. Perhaps this fall may be the time for any fateful decision. Al Gore's vertex is in the same degree as my own natal Venus - maybe this is why I feel so strongly about him and his message.

There's little doubt that Mr Gore will have a very busy summer. He has a new book to be published later this month, with attendant tours and appearances. Entitled The Assault on Reason, it's said to be "A visionary analysis of how the politics of fear, secrecy, cronyism, and blind faith has combined with the degration of the public sphere to create an environment dangerously hostile to reason". Later, in July, Live Earth concerts in worldwide venues will take up much of his time. I guess it's easy to see why any announcement of a presidential run might over-egg the pudding just now, yet it could be vastly more important for the planet, and all of us, than any book or concert.

Al Gore has a Sun/Neptune cardinal opposition in his natal chart - Sun 10.55 Aries, Neptune 11.39 Libra. In "Planets in Aspect" published 1974, Robert Pelletier says about this aspect (among other things which seem irrelevant in this case)
"You are afraid of challenges because you doubt your own capabilities. When threatened you tend to back off and allow others to benefit from opportunities that you saw as obstacles........." AND
"Direct your goals towards fulfilling some important social responsibility."

In a post last June, almost a year ago, around the time "An Inconvenient Truth" hit movie screens, astrologer Mary Plumb said

"Many astrologers over the years have noted the dignity inherent in Gore’s Aries Sun in mutual reception (and trine) to his Mars in Leo. May that warrior-like nature help keep us moving towards a better future of passion and activism for the earth."

Almost a year later, I add my voice, and my hopes to Mary's, and add this quotation from a respected American statesman of the past:

"We travel together, passengers on a little spaceship, dependent on it's vulnerable reserves of air and soil, all committed, for our safety, to it's security and peace. Preserved from annihilation only by the care, the work and the love we give our fragile craft."
Adlai E. Stevenson


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