Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Relocation astrology is based on the theory that if one moves to live permanently in a location reasonably far away from place of birth, the "template" of house cusps in the natal chart swings around independently of the planetary positions. The angles: ascendant, midheaven, and opposite points will therefore lie at different points on the chart, accentuating areas of personality or opportunity which, until relocation, had been less prominent. The degree and sign position of planets remain exactly as natal. Nowadays it's easy enough to obtain a relocation chart using personal astrology software, or from Astrodienst.

Using my own case as an example: I moved almost 5000 miles from the UK to Oklahoma, which lies in the middle of the USA.

When relocated, my natal Cancer ascendant falls on 22.32 Aquarius (natal Sun is also in Aquarius, but at 6.47).

The move has placed natal 8th house Sun into 12th house, put Jupiter instead of Pluto in first house.

Jupiter in Pisces used to lie close to midheaven, 6.36 Sagittarius is now at MC, with Mars, right at the end of Scorpio, the closest planet.

I'm still the same old me. My natal Cancer ascendant is a part of my personality, it always will be, wherever I am living. My Cancerian characteristics didn't disappear when I arrived in Oklahoma.

Most of my relocation chart is compatible with natal positions, important planets remain emphasised but in a different way. I didn't choose the new location - one could say that it was thrust upon me. Perhaps I was lucky! It didn't feel quite that way at 5.30am this morning when the tornado siren sounded and we had to leap from bed and stay on alert !

Has having a new sign on the ascendant and midheaven changed anything? In theory having the same sign rising which contains natal Sun ought to emphasise the qualities of that sign. Have I become "more Aquarian"? Maybe - a little bit. I'm more vocal than I used to be about politics, global warming, etc. - stuff which affects humanity at large. My relocated 12th house Sun, if one chooses to believe it, has a rather doleful reputation...confinement, hidden enemies, self-undoing,! I choose not to believe that old fashioned stuff. The world has moved on from the times when astrologers first came to those conclusions. It has been said that 12th house Sun is often found in the charts of writers. They spend much time alone, writing (not confined, mind you). That fits my present situation!

So, I can see arguments both ways regarding relocation astrology -"the jury's out". It's something to watch in future. Transiting Neptune is currently on my relocated ascendant. Another crazy ride with Neptune, if I get one, will be sure proof that my relocated chart does work!

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