Thursday, April 19, 2007

TRANSITS OF URANUS, and other adventures.

Chrispito at Astroturf commented, after one of my earlier posts, that perhaps transits of Uranus are connected with my feeling that the computer has changed my life. Uranus, modern ruler of my natal Aquarius Sun also rules technology, which includes computers. Yes, I believe she's right, but it's a long story. Uranus arrived in my life long before I had a home computer.

I guess this will be a 2-day blog job!

Uranus transited Aquarius from mid-1995 to late 2003. Uranus' transit of Pisces commenced March 2003. My natal Sun is at 6.46 Aquarius, natal Jupiter at 6.03 Pisces.

I actually received a "multiple-whammy" during these Uranus transits. My second Saturn return happened within that time span, as well as a transit of Pluto to natal Venus, and Neptune's transit of natal Sun. In addition, as I mentioned HERE in January, Comet Hyakutake, in May 1996 passed close to natal Uranus which conjoins South node of the Moon in my chart. I did tell the first part part of this story briefly, back in January, but it's re-told now with a more astrological detail.

At the time of these adventures, I was unaware of any planetary transits. With hindsight, I'm very glad of that ignorance.


The story begins on 21 April 1996 (11 years ago this week),on a Sunday evening, in a big northern English city, at around 9.20 pm. Uranus on this date was a little past 4* Aquarius, 2* from my natal Sun. A partial solar eclipse had occured on 17/18 April at, I think, 28 Aries. My natal Moon is at 24.40 Aries. Transiting Mars was at 21 Aries.

My long-time partner watched TV in the living room as I prepared to take a bath. A fire, which had started, unknown to us, in an adjoining empty building spread close to our second floor apartment. I heard a strange crackling noise, went to the kitchen to investigate. Flames licked the window. We realised what had happened, grabbed coats (I was only semi-clad), thankfully I grabbed my handbag (purse) as well. We hurried down two flights of stairs, as fire engines drew up outside. As we reached the ground an explosion occurred above, probably from gas boilers in the building. We stood with two other tenants, all thankful to be alive, and watched everything we owned, in our home for the past 23 years, disappear in an horrendous fire. The whole block of buildings later had to be demolished. We still had our car, parked in a nearby garage, the few clothes on our backs and my handbag containing credit card and a little cash.

That was the start of a difficult phase. Three days later my partner, probably still affected by shock, fell in the street and damaged his hand so badly that he needed plastic surgery and was admitted to hospital. I remained in a bed and breakfast place.

My workfriends and my mother were a great help to us, both with contributions, and moral support. Our insurance helped a lot too, as did the result of legal proceedings against the owner of the adjoining building - but not until some years later.

Within a month or so we found another apartment, which proved not ideal. We had one break-in during the year we lived there (those burglars were unlucky, we owned next to nothing!) Then, early spring 1997, as Uranus exactly conjoined my natal Sun, we moved into a rented house in a nice area . The whole episode had come to seem like a nightmare turned adventure.

More changes were to come, however. That summer of 1997, Uranus started its retrograde movement. My mother was diagnosed with terminal illness. This happened very rapidly and unexpectedly, and affected me deeply. My second Saturn return was exact in April 1997. Mum seemed fine when she visited us at Easter, by mid-August she died. She left me a bungalow on the coast where she and my Dad had spent a good part of their retirement. On the day Mum died retrograde Uranus, was at 5.59 Aquarius, one degree from my natal Sun, 8th house.

I was nearing retirement. We didn't want to live on the coast, but after trying unsuccessfully to sell the bungalow, we decided we'd have to move there after all. In March 1999 we moved home, as Mars hovered at 13 Scorpio, Moon's North node in my chart which opposes natal Uranus/South node. Transiting Uranus had moved on now and lay 7* away from natal Sun, but Neptune was inching slowly towards it.

End of PART 1. To be continued.


  1. Thanks for posting this,Twilight! It is fascinating--and the images look like they "stuck." I agree with your thesis about Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in art, especially Saturn-Uranus contacts in modern art. But Neptune, too-definitely artistic. I think that the Neptune-Pluto conjunction of 1893 really shook up the art world.

  2. Ooh Thank you for posting this, Twilight! It's fascinating. And may your beautiful Mother be resting peacefully wherever she may be :)

  3. Chrispito and Philip -

    Thank you both for reading!
