Thursday, April 12, 2007

Letterman, and guess who!

It's his 60th birthday today. When looking at his chart a couple of things rang a bell. He has some placements which are very similar to Al Gore's. They were born a year and 12 days apart, so it's not too surprising, with regard to the slow moving planets. Moon and Mercury aren't slow-movers though, and they are in the same signs for both men.

Both have Sun Aries, Mercury Pisces, Moon Capricorn, Pluto and Saturn in Leo. But Al Gore's Pluto, Saturn and Mars in Leo are close together in first house, whereas Letterman's Mars at 00 Aries and Saturn at 02 Leo are in trine, 6 and 10th houses(if birth time is accurate). Al Gore's Sun is not as closely sextile Uranus as is Letterman's. Al Gore was born into a political family. His father was a Senator mother qualified in law. David Letterman's father was a florist, mother a church secretary. Letterman has made humour and communication with the public his path to fame, Al Gore's path was public service and leadership - but I think he has a closet yearning to be funny - as evidenced by his little turn on Saturday Night Live. Needless to say, both men are rich and famous!

David Letterman was born 12 April 1947 in Indianapolis, Indiana, one source ( has what appears to be a computer produced horoscope for him, giving 6pm as a birth time. I don't feel too confident that this is reliable, but it fits. I haven't read the rest of the horoscope interpretation, I prefer to sort out my own take on it.

If Letterman's ascendant is 19.19 Libra, then his natal Sun at 22.14 Aries would be close to the descendant angle and his natal Moon at 15.42 Capricorn would be within 7 degrees of the IC angle (nadir) - both strong positions in any chart. Mars at 00.49 Aries is powerful too, in its own sign in a strong degree. Mercury and Venus are both in Pisces. In a nutshell, those placements describe the Letterman I see. A strong but sensitive character, a blend of Aries and Pisces.

His humour is an odd mix of absurdity, intended lameness, and wit. He seems to enjoy that childish kind of humour which often comes with Aries, I've found (I have an example here at home) - though is capable of more sophisticated and subtle stuff if circumstances demand. Natal Uranus is sextile Sun in Aries - I'm told (by HeWhoKnows) that Letterman is rather less unpredictable than he used to be. I guess this comes with maturity.

Early in his career he was a news anchor and weatherman. His bosses were often nervous about what he'd do next. It's said in Wikipedia "He received recognition for his unpredictable on-air behavior, which included erasing state borders from the weather map and predicting hail stones "the size of canned hams." One night he reportedly upset his bosses when he congratulated a tropical storm on being upgraded to a hurricane. He had a nervous habit of clapping his hands together."

He's kind, I'm pretty sure of that. There's a softness about him that isn't Aries, it'll come from his Pisces bits. I've read that he is co-owner of an auto-racing team - that's a bit of Aries! His Capricorn Moon indicates innate business sense to me. He has his own production company "Worldwide Pants" and is probably a multi-millionnaire - you don't get that rich by just being funny, you need business sense too.

Letterman doesn't make his politcal leanings terribly clear, I suspect this is a tactical decision, although I don't think Bill O'Reilly is one of his heroes - a clue? He's no Bill Maher, (or Al Gore) that's not his thing. It would be unwise to alienate half his audience and scare away some potential guests from the world of politics - that would be bad business.

I like finding coincidences like this one between Al Gore and David Letterman. We can't know how alike, or otherwise, they are in real life, but it's interesting to compare what we do know of them.

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