Friday, April 27, 2007


"Wordless Wednesday" already appears around the blogosphere, but how about "Arty-Farty Friday"? New Rule (for me): each Friday I'll post a photograph of a piece of artwork from the walls of our abode, then decide to what it relates astrologically. I think that'll be very arty-farty!

Arty-Farty # 1:

This is a large piece,click on it for a bigger view. I bought it at a yard sale 2 years ago, it was propped up under a tree in a front yard, in a very posh district of town. It called to me! The couple who sold it had been in the oil business, and had lived in Burma and Borneo. This is one of several items they brought back. It's called a "kalaga"- a Burmese artform, sometimes incorporating Thai themes. Kalagas are tapestries, individually created from hundreds or thousands of beads, stones and sequins. Mostly they are used as wallhangings, but the couple from whom I bought this had it beautifully framed.

It depicts 5 (Thai?) musicians - we call 'em our Spice Girls.

Astrologically - well, it's got to represent Venus (music and beauty) and Sagittarius (because it came from from a distant land.)

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