Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Aquarian (and other) confusions

Is something going on in the sky just now which might affect Sun Aquarians' health? I read that Dharmarucci, at Astrotabletalk, whose birthday is in the first half of February, has been fighting bugs lately, my husband's second daughter (26 January) started a severe course of treatment for a potenetially serious illness yesterday, and I (27 January) have little sinus wreckers with pointed sticks marching around the right side of my head, poking my ear, eye and gums and giving me a very nasty one-sided headache, and stuffed-up right nostril, combining to keep me awake for two nights. What planetary aspects might be generally involved here? Saturn, traditional ruler of Aquarius opposing Neptune? We'll each have very different charts, but maybe that's the common factor.

I currently have transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Venus - shouldn't I be in the midst of an extreme love affair? I mentioned this to HeWhoKnows. He says he'll see about it when he's finished his blogging.

Yesterday, as a distraction from my woes we channel surfed through the evening's TV. After a while I began to wonder what an alien landing here, or a time traveller from the future might make of these programmes. There was Larry King interviewing a trio of health gurus including Deepak Chopra. In an hour long show,they discussed how to make sure one can live longer. Flicking over to the History Channel, re-named by me The Karma-kazi Channel (spelling intended), we were treated to a programme about the Mayan prophecy of doom, this interlaced with a commercial advertising an upcoming programme telling of a potential asteroid hit to the Earth. Later, David Letterman interviewed Barrack Obama, they talked of a future under a Democratic administration.

Confused? Yes, siree-bob!

I guess you pay your money and take your choice of future scenarios. A world where we all live to 110 years of age, perky and bright, under an administration who loves its fellow-humans. Or one in which we shall all soon be specks of dust in the sands of time, as described wonderfully by Tom Lehrer,

"And we will all go together when we go.
Every Hottentot and every Eskimo.
When the air becomes Uranious,
We will all go simultaneous.
Yes, we all will go together
When we all go together,
Yes we all will go together when we go."

In the meantime, I hope that Sun Aquarians everywhere, if under the weather now, soon feel much better.

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