Monday, March 12, 2007

Toning the Blogging Muscle

Somewhat optimistically, I set myself a target of writing something here every day, mostly something astrology-related. It's akin to exercising each morning, I suppose. I'm strengthening my blogging muscle!

Some days I know immediately what to write about, on other days I stumble around searching for a topic. While waiting for the next idea to hit me, I often trawl the bloggy ocean via 'Next Blog'. Occasionally I'll find a hint of inspiration there. I have yet to reel in anything resembling an astrology blog, or even a new-agey one, which probably indicates how much in the minority we are.

When I do pull up a blog which appeals to me, after reading a little I click to the blogger's profile. It's interesting to see whether they have opted to omit the question on zodiac signs. If so, and many do omit this, I confess that, initially, I become wary, perhaps prejudiced would be a better word. I don't care which sign they have inserted, as long as they have inserted one. Oddly (or maybe not) I find that blogs written by Geminis and Aquarians appeal to me most often. I know well enough that a Sun sign is no proper guide, in real life, or in blogging, yet I suspect that in Gemini's case the Sun cannot help but shine through - this is Mercury's domain, after all. As for Aquarius, it's probably a case of "it takes one to know one". I enjoy that 'eureka!' experience, and I can often be heard to mutter "I knew it" as I trawl among the blogs.
"Knew what?" asks the husband, if in earshot.
"It's hard to explain, I don't think you'd understand", I reply.
Shrug of the shoulders, exit left.

So....I managed to reel in a brief blog entry after all. The blogging muscle is still in need of further toning, I think!


  1. I am happy to see you blogging daily. It's a good practice. I've been writing every weekday on one of my blogs. I use to track the search queries that bring readers to my blog, and that provides plenty of idea fodder.

  2. Hi Jeff!

    Thank you for the hint, I'll look into - it could be a great help.
