Thursday, March 29, 2007

Squaring the Circle in Northern Ireland?

Following a news story which particularly interested me - the meeting of Ian Paisley and Gerry Adams earlier this week, I had to smile at this from the Canadian Press.

BELFAST, Northern Ireland - It proved jaw-dropping stuff: Ian Paisley and Gerry Adams, implacable enemies for four decades, sitting side by side for the first time and declaring they will soon form a Northern Ireland government................................
Paisley, 80, and Adams, 58, are polar opposites who share almost nothing but an air of self-righteousness and an iron grip over their parties. Before Monday, they had never negotiated face to face, such is Paisley's aversion to a man he long decried as a terrorist mouthpiece. "

I love it when an unintentional astrological truth pops up like this! Polar opposites indeed. Ian Paisley born 6 April 1926 and Gerry Adams born 6 October 1948 - Their Suns in Aries and Libra . Cardinal opposites. I'm tempted to comment on their charts, but feel certain that expert astrologers have already done so, making my own ramblings about these men superfluous.

Might we hope that this agreement, however flimsy and superficial, is the forerunner, or microcosm of other peaceful settlements in the world in the near future? Is that too whimsical?

The Northern Irish problem has trundled on for decades. Most people in Britain experienced effects. In my own case, I worked in offices in the centre of the city of Leeds. We had to evacuate many times due to IRA bomb alerts during "the troubles". Leeds was luckier than some other British cities who suffered actual attacks causing destruction and death. My late partner was from Northern Ireland and felt passionately about events, his passion stemming from the fact that his father had been killed as a result of IRA activities during WorldWar 2. He has now passed on also, but I wish that somehow he could know that peace did come at last, for his beloved Northern Ireland, as well as for himself.


  1. Twilight I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on their charts! So much, I highly encourage it. I dig your writing style.
    Myself, I was living in the UK at the time of the Good Friday Agreement. That work was ground breaking, and this seems to be seed-sowing time. I am shocked to see these two in the same room. I am am glad, and I have high hopes for the future!

  2. Thanks, for the you may or may not know I am a great fan of your husbands blog...

  3. Chrispito - thank you - you are so encouraging! And yes, the good news from N.Ireland has lifted that veil of despair about the future an inch or two! :-)

    MXI - Hi there! Me too, and of yours. Thanks for popping in.
