Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Rhythm of (Real) Life

In the April/May issue of Mountain Astrologer there's a re-print of a very good article by Bill Herbst "On Coincidence". He relates a real life event to planetary positions and transits in his natal chart. He warns "Don't presume that a certain combination of symbols means what you read in a textbook or hear from some hot-shot astrologer at a conference. Instead, file away the insight as a "possible" meaning and let your own real-life experience gradually confirm or deny that particular interpretive slant".

That is as good advice as I've ever read !

At the times of most pivotal events in my life I had no means of investigating their astrological connection - I was quite unaware which transits were occurring, although I did have a rough idea of some planetary positions in my natal chart. In a way this was a good thing, because it proves that I had no part in chosing dates or manipulating events to coincide with the planets' movements.

I've found, looking back on my life history, that there has been a distinct rhythm. At the times important turning points took place, the Moon's nodes were involved. Either the Taurus/Scorpio nodal axis had returned to its position at my birth, or to its inverse position, and/or a planet had conjoined one of the nodes. Perhaps this rhythm is governed by my Cancer ascendant, ruled by the Moon, intensified because Uranus (natal Sun's ruler) is conjunct natal South node. Another, intertwined, rhythm is connected with the vertex, which, if my birth time is correct, is conjunct natal Mars, also in Scorpio.

Scorpio/Taurus is definitely the 'b' of the beat in the rhythm of my life. Both my marriages, important career changes, and all the significant love-related first meetings have these connections.

Another important event - my only stay in hospital so far , also followed this rhythm.(I'm using only real celestial events, no progressions or directions.) In August 1985 I was admitted to hospital for, first, investigative procedures, then, in early September for a major operation (hysterectomy). The nodal axis was in the inverse natal position, exact when I entered hospital in August. On the day of surgery, in September, Jupiter was one degree away from my natal Sun (6.46 Aquarius). A couple of days after the operation the surgeon described me as his "star patient", because my recovery had been so much faster than that of other women who had the same operation on the same day! I was obviously under a benign sky! Transiting Saturn conjoined natal Mars, in Scorpio, a short time later , just as I returned to work, in November, good as new, after several very pleasant weeks off on full pay. Had I been in a position to look at my own chart in those days I'd have expected November to be the problematic never can tell!


  1. I'm coming up on my nodal return ... I'm curious to see how that turns out.

  2. Hmmm, yes. It might not be obvious until quite some time afterwards, though Jeff.

    I wonder whether this is a general "effect" or if it happens mainly when planets are conjoined to a node. People have different views about the nodes, it's a kind of lucky dip as far as I've been able to understand. :-)
