Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Thinking about Thinking during Mercury Retrograde

I think Mercury retrograde has kicked in for me. I typed out a blog entry last night and saved it as a draft. When I re-read it this morning it seemed like total garbage! I deleted it, then started another post on a different topic, but was unable to make the point I was trying to make.....sigh, deleted that too.

So, heres a link to something I keep in my Favourites file and read regularly. It's especially apt for Mercury retrograde periods. It's called "Thinking about Thinking" by astrologer Jayj Jacobs.

A brief extract:

Bad thinking is bad for astrology. Bad thinking, or not thinking, is bad for everyone.

If one accepts anything without question s/he is not thinking.

If the premise is not grounded in factual or experiential reality the conclusions are meaningless. That's the classic GIGO: Garbage In, Garbage Out. Jacobs' GOGI Corollary is: If Garbage came Out, then Garbage went In.

If the conclusions do not follow from the premises one is engaged in poor reasoning. I call that bad thinking.

If the precognitive mindset is impervious to contradictory input one is not thinking. That's prior opinions blinding one to reality.

If one thinks they know everything, and have nothing to learn, relearn or unlearn, then they have stopped thinking.

Knowledge can be divided into what you know, what you know you don't know, what you don't know you don't know, and what you know that just ain't so.

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