Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Positive Thinking about The Future

I received Bill Herbst's February newsletter yesterday, I've found that his work is always very informative and well worth reading. By the time I reached the end of this one, however, I felt depressed. Even more so, because Mr Herbst's conclusions about the coming years match, broadly, those of other astrologers such as E. Alan Meece in his book "Horoscope for the New Millennium", which I mentioned in a blog dated 21 November 2006. In addition, I instinctively feel that Pluto's transit through Capricorn will be stressful for Earth and its inhabitants, and am guilty myself of having said as much.

Is there no alternative to the gloomy forecasts and feelings, though? Mr. Herbst points out that these coming times, before and after 2010, will offer a long-needed chance for us to right our wrongs and clean up our messes. But isn't there something even more hopeful ? Isn't there another view of the whole scenario? Could it be like one of those optical illusion illustrations(above) which contain two quite different pictures, if you adjust your mind sufficiently to see them both? (In the above example you can see either the head of an old woman or that of a young, elegant woman.)

Maybe there are alternative interpretations of coming planetary configurations. We can't be sure that because similar configurations in the past resulted in dark outcomes, that comparable scenarios will happen again. Other elements have changed in the intervening period, external elements, unconnected with astrology, but connected with the way man lives, thinks, and deals with events. Any time Uranus is involved in a configuration, as in this case, can any astrologer be sure of his forecast? The future could have in store something as yet indescribable, and impossible for us to understand, let alone to foresee.

In any case, a little positive thinking can't hurt! If we accept without question that the years around 2010 are going to be terribly difficult and calamitous, ecologically and economically, maybe that's what WILL happen. Some say that the communal mind is a powerful entity. Some say , as in cosmic ordering, or creative visualisation, that we can attract towards us what we hold in our mind's eye. If there is any chance at all that this is true, ought we not to be holding a brighter vision of the coming years in our minds? I'm addressing myself here, too, I hasten to add!

I'm not naive enough to think that the communal mind could hold back the power of nature and the elements. It might, though, have strength enough to ensure the move into key positions of those individuals who would deal with challenging situations in the best possible way. Individuals with the insight and compassion to rescue from disaster the seeds of a new and better world. With the wrong people in places of power, should the worst happen, I can well imagine that current gloomy forecasts of astrologers would seem very mild compared to the reality !

A lot of positive thinking could do a temendous amount of good.


  1. Well this is an interesting thought. Even without consulting stars and planets we can all see that things need to change in the world.

    I prefer to think positive about the future even when it doesn't look to good from where we are now. The future will unfold no matter what, any one can take a positive step towards the future. Taking care of the environment, recycle things again and again, be friendly to others and take notice of the world and mother earth.

    This is in a nutshell about fate and free will. I prefer to use my free will and vote for a better world, all together we can do something after all. That makes two of us already!

  2. There is a Chinese proverb which says, "The finest porcelain is made where the conditions of life are hard."

    This really rolls up Astrology for me in a nut shell. We learn and grow the fastest through struggle and strife.

    As Richard Back said, "We are not human beings going through a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings, going through the human experience."

    How can we experience all life has to offer if we only seek out the plush, easy and dandy? I say, BRING IT ON, whichever side the coin falls on. We can not control situations or what happens around us, we can only control our reaction to it and honor it with learning and growth.

  3. Thank you for your wise comments, Miriam and Velvet Blade.
