Saturday, February 03, 2007

Blog Writing with Astrology and "He-Who-Knows"

I occasionally feel the need to stand back and wonder whether polluting cyber space with the assorted ramblings of a cross-section of humanity is a good thing. Is it cyber-graffiti ?
Perhaps it is, but some graffiti displays evidence of true talent, as does the work of many bloggers.

Astrology Bloggers, of course, work within a more defined ambit than the average writer of a journal-type blog. As well as aiming to write interestingly and regularly, Astrology Bloggers must search the skies, or history, or the current scene for items appropriate to astrological comment. Some might say that to have a specific focus is an advantage. The average blogger, with a plethora of material to choose from, has no "hook" upon which to hang it.

All good bloggers aim to write grammatically and develop a personal style. Some, less confident souls, can find hints and wrinkles from instructions to be found in blogs of "Those Who Know". Even someone who writes like an angel will still need basic computer skills to enter blogland - technophobes need not apply! So, all in all, bloggers are a talented, multi-tasking and courageous breed who lay bare their thoughts for the world to ignore, approve, or challenge.

Any hint of stylish writing I ever possessed was squeezed out by the need to write official legalese in the civil service for most of my career. When feeling doubtful about a piece, I'll have a trial run, reading it aloud to the husband. He will helpfully pretend to be one of "Those Who Know" and mischievously interrupt my reading with comments such as "That's a cliche - try to invent something new!"... "Too many words!" .... "You've said "I" again - you need to take yourself out of it", all the time positioning himself well out of range of my flying notebook.

I sigh, and respond with some petulance, "But this is MY blog, "I" have to be in it, and I LIKE cliches - they get right to the spleen of what I want to say!"

He, looking puzzled, "Don't you mean the heart of what you want to say?".

"No - it's a cliche!", I reply, sulking.

It's a good thing, in some ways, that "He Who Knows" doesn't know about astrology, otherwise my notebook would be in flight all the time.

Like graffiti, I suspect that blogging will be with us always. I'm glad.

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