Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Astronaut and Astrology's Red Flag


"Feb. 7 -- NASA announced plans to review how it evaluates astronauts' mental states, a day after one of its crew members was charged with trying to kill a romantic rival.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration will review how it screens spaceflight candidates and examine whether crew members should be evaluated during their careers, Deputy Administrator Shana Dale said today at a press conference in Washington. NASA Administrator Michael Griffin ordered the change, Dale said.

Shuttle astronaut Lisa Nowak, 43, was charged yesterday in Florida with attempted murder. Police in Orlando say Nowak drove about 900 miles, wearing diapers to minimize bathroom breaks, to kidnap and kill a woman she thought was a rival for another astronaut's affection."

This story has elements ripe for comedians to pounce on, but Ms Nowak has ruined her career and reputation and probably her family too. She may be in need of psychiatric assistance, or maybe not. But either way, it's not very funny.
Lisa Nowak was born on 10 May 1963 in Washington DC. She is married with three children.

According to my software, her Sun at 19* Taurus is natally tightly squared by Mars at 19* Leo and by Saturn at 22* Aquarius. Transiting Saturn at 21* Leo is now close to her natal Mars and opposes her natal Saturn at 22* Aquarius. (Neptune at 14* Scorpio in her natal chart opposes the Sun, completing a Fixed Grand Cross . )
Transiting Pluto is currently conjunct her vertex.
A recipe for trouble if ever I saw one, and a big flag waving, alerting me that astrology is showing !

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