Saturday, February 24, 2007

Astrology News

I am particularly grateful to Elsa from the Elsa Elsa Blog for including my blog in the Astrology News site which she now edits. Its widget now adorns my sidebar. I'm sure Astrology News will go on to be an even more valuable addition for bloggers and readers alike, with Elsa at its helm.

This came at a welcome time. I was feeling disappointed and not a little miffed that after waiting for over 14 days, it appears my blog may not have been accepted by Ageless Project for inclusion on their site. As I carry no advertisements, commercial offers, pop-ups, banner ads etc. ( part of their conditions for acceptance), I have to assume that my blog has been rejected on the ground of its content. This may have been judged to fulfil another cause for rejection - being "offensive or annoying to users"..... I'm an Aquarian - being annoying is part of the package! (wink)

Thank you again, Elsa!


  1. Thank you, Twilight! Super glad to have you. Your blog is always fresh and featuring something unexpected so a real addition to the community!

  2. I cannot imagine why the ageless project would decline you. Did you ask?
    Here come the reasons for including you in the ageless project:
    - a refreshing personal way of writing
    - well written original pieces on astrology, politics, blogging and much more
    - showing others that it is possible to write a little bit about everything and still be entertaining.
    - nice photographes with the help of husband he who knows.
    Do I need to go on?
