Wednesday, January 24, 2007

State of the Hypocrisy

I can't relate today's scribble to astrology, except to say that my Mars in Scorpio is showing.

I'm a foreigner here in the USA, a legal resident, but until such time as I can apply for US citizenship still a foreigner, a British citizen.

I'm interested and concerned about American politics, so I watched all of last night's State of the Union address, and the discussions which followed. I had to watch alone, because my husband refuses to watch or listen to "his" president, so great is his disgust and dismay at current policies. By the time the proceedings had wound down, I was left with a bad headache! Next year I shall follow my husband's example.

As I watched and listened I was amazed at the obseqiousness of both parties towards the president. Many of these men and women profess to detest the president's policies, yet they leapt to their feet at every opportunity, applauded each proposition he put forward. Few, if any, remained seated throughout, few didn't wish to shake his hand and smarm over him as he entered the hall like some great prize fighter, and left, signing autographs for fawning fans along the way. I realise that all of this is "just for show" - but why? Isn't this hypocrisy ? I suppose it's tradition. Traditional hypocrisy.

There are more than enough bloggers giving their opinions about the content of the president's speech, so I'll limit myself to one point only - the one which disappointed me the most, and the one about which even I, as a foreigner here, have some right to voice my opinion. Mr Bush mentioned global warming only once, and almost as an afterthought. After outlining plans to conserve energy, reduce the use of gasolene etc. for the stated purpose of reducing America's dependence on oil ..... then...oh yes, one short sentence acknowledging that these measures would help the environment and global warming. He actually said the words "global warming". No acknowledgement though that global warming IS a serious threat. I wonder what Senator Inhoffe, our Oklahoma senator, thought about the mention of global warming - he's been declaring, for the past several years, that it's all a great hoax. I bet he was on his feet applauding with the rest of 'em .

Sigh. Al Gore - come back to politics - PLEASE!!!

I must get back to astrology before I blow a fuse!!


  1. I've been poking around the blogosphere a bit tonight, and you're not the only one expressing similar views about the staged nature of last night's affair.

    Andrew (To Love, Honor, and Dismay)

  2. Good! Thank you for popping in to tell me, Andrew. :-)

    You have an interesting blog - another one for my Favourite file !

  3. I guess with the pie in face about so many bad choices, Bush had to give the cursory "nod". This, from a man who not too long ago called Global Warming a lie. Of course he did! What would seed his greedy little pocket if we wised up and followed at least SOME of the innovative solutions out there?

    You go Twilight! Tell it like it is!

  4. Thanks, VB ! I intend to! (wink)

    I was missing you for a few days, on your blog -wondered if maybe you'd been ill.
    Nice to see you.
