Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Me and Ol' Blue Eyes - astrologically speaking.

I have idolised Frank Sinatra since the 1960s. He could do no wrong. I was not interested in the scandals. All that mattered to me was what he did for his audience, while singing or acting. As far as I'm concerned he has no equal, and never will.

Oddly, until today I had never looked at his birthchart. I knew he was Sun Sagittarius, but no more. Two things led me to have a look at his chart. Firstly I'd watched a DVD of one of his shows last night, and "that old black magic had me in its spell" again! Secondly, I've started scribbling in a blog which I'd originally opened to test custom headers and HTML. I re-cycled it under a new title "The Glorious Cycle of Song". Naturally it got me thinking about Sinatra.

Anyway.....I have a theory that people are attracted to entertainers, writers, musicians, actors, celebrities etc. whose charts contain some correlation with their own. By some peculiar means we are able to "sense" the connection, even via screen, audio, or literature. I've found in my own experience that the clearest and longest lasting attractions involve the closest astrological connections.

My theory holds good in Sinatra's case. I was delighted to see that his Sun was at 19.13* Sagittarius, because my Venus is at 19.59* Sagittarius ! ( His Mercury is at 17* Sagittarius too.)

This is a small, but to me enormously significant discovery.
"It's such an ancient pitch, But one I wouldn't switch, 'Cos there's no nicer witch than.........."


  1. I love your larger photo! (See, I check up on things.) You look like somebody Frank might have nuzzled up against in the evening after the last song. Very nice.

  2. You silver tongued devil you! Thanks, Ron :-) It does a gal's heart good to receive a compliment.

  3. If you sign up (free) for AstroTheme you can see your chart with any celebrity chart and have it weighed for compatibility! http://www.astrotheme.fr/en/

    I was a little disappointed that I was more compatible with Cervantes than some of the hotties I tried!

  4. Thanks VB - I've signed up at Astrotheme, and will be found playing around there later!

    Cervantes eh! Nice one! Hot Totties are not all they're cracked up to be, Cervantes had real style!!! ;-)
