Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Al Gore, his transits - our chance ?

Wishful thinking propels me almost daily to search Google with the request "Al Gore 2008". Yesterday a recent news item from the Boston Globe :
offered a hint of hope.
In his article "Another chance for Gore" Scot Lehigh, Globe Columnist said
"Publicly, Gore hasn't ruled out running, but neither has he evinced much interest.
But when one friend asked him recently about another campaign, Gore didn't dismiss the question out of hand. "We'll see how things go," he replied.
Another Democratic source says that in recent weeks, the former vice president's camp has quietly put out feelers to presidential politicos, asking whether they are committed for 2008"

I sincerely hope that Al Gore will decide to run in the presidential race 2008. Dennis Kucinich is a favourite of mine too, but I suspect that Al Gore is the only politician America has who's right in every way for the job a new president will face.

Later yesterday I ran across a transcript of Al Gore's Martin Luther King Day address given on Monday:
He really tore into President Bush's policies. The speech is inspirational!

I've looked again at Gore's natal chart , at transits, and at the ephemeris for 2007/8.
His chart is available at Astrodatabank -

Perhaps I'm being optimistic and simplistic, but consider this -
Al Gore's natal Jupiter is at 28 Sagittarius. Transiting Pluto will join it there between February and May this year and again in December, also from August to October '08, just before the election. It will still be within a degree of exact conjunction at the '08 election date. Transiting Jupiter will join transiting Pluto at Gore's natal Jupiter in mid-December 07 too. Quite a lot going on!

28 degrees of a mutable sign (as is Sagittarius) can be considered as "Aries Point" i.e.within 2 degree orb of Cardinal Capricorn's 00 degrees. Even more significant then!!
Extract from an article by Roderick Benns -

"In astrology, there is a special measurement we can look to reliably when we are seeking evidence of tremendous public projection potential. This is known as the Aries Point, yet it refers to zero degrees of all cardinal signs — Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Use an orb of two or two and a half degrees maximum (which means that a planet at 29 degrees Virgo or 28 degrees Sagittarius, etc., would be considered at the Aries Point). Use planets, the Ascendant, MC and midpoints only. "

I can only guess what significance these powerful Pluto transits might have for Al Gore. Perhaps the earlier transit connects to a possible Oscar nomination for his film "An Inconvenient Truth". Pluto's energies are well known as being transformative, sometimes painful, but eventually in the native's best interest. It seems that Al Gore doesn't exactly relish the idea of presidency, he has found success outside the arena of politics, which he has described as "toxic". Pluto's influence upon his fifth house Jupiter could help to change his outlook. I shall continue to hope


  1. As always, thanks for the inspiration. Think you might like the results of your blogishmentorship. (What do you think the odds are of getting that into Wikipedia?)

  2. Thanks for reading, VB!! Yes that term needs defining in Wiki . :-)
