Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Richard Dawkins, the astrologers' nightmare.

It appears that Prof. Richard Dawkins, astrology's bete noire, is preparing to launch another attack on his favourite target, the astrologers, on British TV. (See Jonathan Cainer's "Thought for the Day" at www.cainer.com Tuesday 12 Dec.)

Around ten years ago Dawkins opened a diatribe with:
"Astrology is neither harmless nor fun, and we should see it as an enemy of truth, says Richard Dawkins, author of 'The Selfish Gene'. Why, he asks, do so many of us indulge in these pre-Copernican dabblings which are nothing short of wicked fraud?"
more at


That opening gambit reminds me of our Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe who is very vocal on the subject of global warming, and continually insists that it's one of the biggest hoaxes of all time.

Dawkins and Inhofe should get together - they'd make a good pair.

I have my own opinions about astrology, some of which might bring a wan smile to Dawkin's face. I do not ascribe to everything the astrologers tell us. But I DO have unswerving faith that there IS something going on - something which is capable of being observed by those with the right kind of sensitivity. I think that's the key to it all. Sensitivity. Some of us are extra sensitive to light, some to sound, some adversely sensitive to pollen, cats, etc. It seems natural to me that there is a kind of sensitivity some of us have which "appreciates" or "sees" astrology working, while others remain blind.

Dawkins feigns affront that astrologers can make lots of money from this so-called "fraud". He conveniently forgets that he makes money too, from his constant harping about astrology, in the form of publicity for his books, TV fees, fees for articles in the press. Pot calling kettle ?? Hypocrisy ??

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