Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Politics and Astrology

An article by Ann Coulter in one of our Oklahoma newspapers this morning first grated on my nerves, then had me pondering. Is there some kind of "signature" in astrology to indicate the way we are most likely lean politically, and how far we might lean ? Astrologers have probably investigated this in the past, but I've drawn a blank looking for information on the internet.

Environment, experience and education must figure very heavily in the development of a person's political views, but I wonder if there IS something in astrology which might give us a hint about this.

Ann Coulter's birth data: 8 December 1961 in New York City. No birth time.

Oh my! That's a disappointment. Sagittarius, one of my favourite signs figures very heavily in her chart. Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and Mercury all in the sign of the Archer, Sun and Mars conjunct within 2 degrees. Saturn in his own sign of Capricorn is strong.
Jupiter in Aquarius....hmmmm. Pluto and Uranus in Virgo. Neptune in Scorpio.
I wish I knew her ascendant and midheaven!!

First thing - imbalance. She certainly does come across as unbalanced and extremist in her writing. So many personal planets clustered within one zodiac sign could be a blessing or a curse, external factors will decide which.

Second thing - Strong Saturn, strongest planet in the chart, I think - I bet it's on an angle too! Conservative, rigid, at its worst and strongest, almost cruel.

Third thing - Mercury square Pluto and Venus square Uranus - these aspects to generational planets probably have significance, especially Mercury's aspect to Pluto in view of Ms Coulter's career in communication. I'm not sure how to interpret these.

I think in this case imbalance, aided and abetted by a strong Saturn are the villains of the piece.

Rush Limbaugh is another extreme conservative commentator on the US political scene. His chart contains none of the imbalance of Ms Coulter's though. He was born 12 January 1951 Cape Girardeau at 7.50am according to Astrodatabank. His personal planets are spread pretty evenly between Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces with Saturn in Libra, and, shock horror Aquarius rising!!

This is nothing but a guess: I bet Limbaugh's stance is predominantly for effect, putting on a show, but Coulter's is "for real".

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