Saturday, November 04, 2006

Norman Rockwell

The above illustrations by Norman Rockwell are but a drop in the ocean of his enormous talent. He was a prolific illustrator of American life in the mid-20th century. Born 3 February 1894 in Manhattan, New York at 2am his Sun and Mercury are in Aquarius, Moon Capricorn, ascendant Scorpio, Venus Taurus.

His illustrations display a great affection for humanity and for his country, his love shines through them all very clearly. His work graced the covers of Life Magazine for many years, and are still much loved in America and elsewhere.

He did not shrink from making a political point when he felt it necessary, as can be seen above. The majority of his illustrations, though were like snapshots of family or working life of the average American in what now seems almost like the "golden age" of his country. He often included himself in his illustrations. He can be seen in the second picture above, to the right of the bearded man with black skull cap.

If I had to pick a list of admirable Aquarian Sun people, Norman Rockwell would be up there near the top.

More examples at

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