Sunday, November 12, 2006

My Purge (or should that be My Bad?)

"Purge": an act of removing by cleansing; ridding of sediment or other undesired elements.

In the unlikely event of anyone accidentally reading this blog, I must make it clear that what follows is nothing but my own very personal view of astrology, formed through many, many years of interest, observation, and a lesser number of years studying the finer points.

I mean no disrespect to the views of others. The feelings I describe arise from somewhere deep inside me. I would be disloyal to myself to pretend to believe some things for the sake of appearing to conform.
The purge of my astrological toybox begins:
First, I don't believe that when a natal chart seems not to match its owner, using basic methods of delineation, the astrologer should use a "deeper" set of techniques, or add more ingredients, to MAKE IT FIT. If a chart doesn't fit, the reason is most likely to be attributable to the native's heredity, location, environment, sex, health, circumstances, etc. Probably, though, transits and cycles especially those of Saturn, Uranus and Pluto will be observable in the life, in accordance with that chart, even when the personality as described does not clearly manifest. The idea that astrology MUST always produce accurate results is not in accordance with my belief that astrology is a FRAGILE natural manifestation of planetary effect upon a living being, originated in the moment of birth. The fragile effect might be modified in any number of ways, it is amazing to me that the effect remains discernable at all - but it does, in many cases.

I cannot accept the idea that there are any DEFINITE divisions in an astrological chart. In my view, because there is no universally accepted "correct" house system or even correct zodiac, signs and houses ought to be open to blending. Insisting otherwise is illogical. There are no walls in space. In my opinion astrology is NOT capable of exactness - not in present circumstance, and at a guess, not ever. I believe a natal chart can display
a view of the native, but only through a swirling mist - it contains hints, outlines, suggestions.

The two previous paragraphs are contrary to what astrologers in general like to believe.
I understand why. Astrologers and writers about astrology need to make a living.
Their opportunity to do so would be badly impaired if my own views were universal.
Who would buy a book or astro-report based on the fact that "this might be partially true, or it might be quite wrong". Astrologers of all stripes have been able to keep astrology alive and kicking into the 21st century. For this, I'm grateful, but it doesn't mean I have to believe everything they say.

To put myself into further trouble, I must admit that I have no time for progressions, secondary, primary or any other -ary. They are based on an imagin-ary premise of "day for a year". Huh??? Come on guys!!!! Why??? Fractal theory? Who said it applies to astrology, or life? In my own experience, it doesn't. Likewise I don't accept the validity of solar arcs, solar return charts, and lunar return charts. However much I've tried, my mind and heart will NOT accept these methods. The fact that they originate from the past isn't enough to convince me. The idea of a flat earth originates fom the past also. These are useful tools for astrologers to expand business: more to write about, more to predict, more chances that predictions might match circumstances. No, sorry ! These do not fit my version of astrology. These methods make astrology into a kind of board game in my opinion.

Digging myself an even deeper hole, I'll confess that I do not accept that charts for things inanimate have any value at all - countries, governments, cities, etc. I think astrology affects living beings. Horary astrology probably links into this too. If some astrologers get good results from using horary methods, then I have to believe that horary astrology is something akin to tarot cards - which DO occasionally come up with spookily accurate answers, for some unknown reason.

Finally, getting down to the last dusty corner of my astrological toybox, I throw out
any theory related to karma, soul purpose, reincarnation. These belong to religion, not astrology. Draconic charts = fiction. Any idea that names from mythology allocated to newly discovered/designated celestial bodies should be taken as a guide to a body's meaning makes no sense to me. Even less sense when astrologers jump on the idea the day after announcements are made by a body of astronomers who look on astrology as bullshit. Is there any wonder they have that opinion ?

Even after my purge, there is a lot of good stuff left in my toybox. I'll play with my favourites later.
I admit that my views arise as a result of my own personality, as suggested by my natal chart. I cannot think otherwise - this is the way I am wired. I may be wrong, but equally, YOU may be wrong.

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