Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Mid-term Star is Born !

I have no vote in the USA yet. Perhaps by the 2008 election, Department of Homeland Security permitting, I shall have managed to obtain citizenship, which will enable me to take part in the voting.

Disenfranchised as I am, I still have a keen interest in politics here. It'd be silly not to.
US politics affect the whole planet in many ways - even though at times I doubt that The American People fully appreciate this.

It is clear, now, that the Democratic party has regained a lot of strength. Democrats now hold a clear majority in the House of Representatives, and will also rule the Senate if two close calls go in their favour. This will indeed, little by little, swing the USA in an entirely new direction, and everyone on the planet ought to heave a sigh of relief.

Most of the names and faces I saw on the TV screen last night were unfamiliar, one in particular stood out for me, even so. Nancy Pelosi.

Nancy Pelosi, Democrat, represents California's Eighth District in the House of Representatives.
She will now become Speaker of the House, the first woman in American history to hold this position. I don't know why she stood out for me last night, from so many other good Democrats. Perhaps my intuition knows something. I think she will prove VERY significant in the future, in some way - a prediction!

Nancy Pelosi was born on 26 March 1940, Baltimore, MD. Sadly no birth-time is available. She has Sun and Jupiter in Aries, a stellium in Taurus (Mars, Venus, Uranus and Saturn), Moon in Scorpio, Mercury in Pisces (surprising!) Her generational planets are the same as mine, Uranus Taurus, Neptune Virgo, Pluto 00* Leo. I thought she was much younger - she looks it! She is in fact but a year younger than me.

I'd expect someone with a chart like hers to be a leader who would fight with great determination for her beliefs. On her website she is described in one headline as "The Granite Lady". That fits! I think her generational planets must lend a lot of stability and common sense - she will not be inclined to take risks which endanger her party or her country, or her planet - unlike the President who has Uranus in Gemini, Neptune in Libra - too much Air, not enough stability !

Go Nancy!!!!!

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