Sunday, October 01, 2006

Astro-twins - encore.

Astrologers would probably laugh at my efforts to find similarities with anyone born close to my own birth date. I am well aware that even when biological twins are born within minutes of each other in exactly the same location, down to the inch, they are not always similar. Even so, I am drawn to do this, to satisfy myself, and if I can find some similarity or correspondence, however slight, I am satisfied.

In the case of Germaine Greer, the circumstances of her birth and the fact that neither of us has borne children are significant.

In the case of W.Brugh Joy MD, who also shares my ascendant and Moon positions, his current career has a broad correspondence with my own long-time interest in astrology and other mystical matters. From his own words, found on the internet, it appears he is, in nature, quite similar to myself in at least one important way.

I have discovered 4 more people born on 27 January 1939. Two of these were born in England, one in America and one in Russia.

Mike Hill, Jackson, Michigan, PGA golfer
N R Bomford, head master, Harrow School , England
Patricia Rawlings, Baroness, member of the House of Lords, England
Tigran Yegiayi Mansuryan, composer , Russia.

My study continues! If I fail to find similarities to myself, I might find them between others of our small band of 27 January 1939-ers.

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