Friday, September 15, 2006

Letting off steam

I feel in need of venting my frustration this morning:

If some astrologers do not become a tad more rational I shall be tempted to send all of my astrology books, software and magazines to the charity shop and take up crochet or crossword puzzles. "Off you go, then !" I hear the cry. ;-)
What has brought on this simmering dissatisfaction?

Yet another mythological character enters the arena. Eris. "Xena" was a bit of fun - Eris is official. So everyone jumps on the bandwagon of Greek/Roman mythology......again!

"Chaos, strife, discord" everyone cries! " How appropriate that Eris should be named NOW - look around at the world!!!"
Give me a break ! Chaos, discord and strife have been with us since Adam was a lad. Why is it significant that a group of astronomers (who deride astrology) should choose this name at this point in history? It isn't. In my humble opinion, which is as good as anybody else's, because nobody REALLY knows the answers.
How can a body whose orbit is 555 years affect anything knowable by humans whose lifespan has not yet reached 100 years (or only in exceptional cases) ?
Astrologers, new agers, esoteric beings, metaphysicists, synchronicity fans, all have their own ideas about Eris and what astrology "is" in general. They are IDEAS. They are not facts.

In my own lifetime, Eris has moved only about 18 degrees in Aries. Eris has been in Aries for the lifetime of most people currently on Planet Earth . Yes, within that span war and chaos have played centre stage - WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Falklands War, Iraq.....(and other smaller conflicts). So far, so good. But chaos and discord reigned long before that also, they have always been there.

Until Eris moves out of Aries, and that's a long time into the future - into Taurus around 2055, I think, for several decades after that, it will not be clear whether or not this celestial body has any significance on Earth, or not. For instance, if, around 2055 global warming has reached a point where Earth (Taurus) is seriously affected to the point of causing chaos - THEN we could, perhaps, say that chaos and strife is the true meaning of Eris the dwarf planet.

There might be some other meaning to be attributed to Eris, though. Some other message trying to get through to us. We shall not see it if we are blinded by mythology, synchronicity and new-age clap-trap.

I ought to add that I do believe the original planets, Mercury to Saturn, Sun and Moon have connection to their archetypes from myth because these were attached AFTER observation, in order for people to understand their meaning more clearly. A bit like the parables of Jesus, or Aesop's fables. Proof of this is probably not available, because astrology's history reaches further back than we know. In any case, astronomy and astology were linked in ancient times - it was completely different from present circumstances.

Rant over.

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